_Coat of Arms Quiz_ for Android_I_ve....

Posted to: The Google+ Heraldry Community

Posted by: Karl Wilcox

Created on: January 17 2013 at 22:14

"Coat of Arms Quiz" for Android

I've been checking out coat of arms apps for Android - the one illustrated here is by AM Mobile and is available from the Google Play store for £1.24 ($1.99) or from the Amazon app store for 63p ($0.99).

As you can see from the picture, it was written for phone screens and doesn't scale all that well onto larger screen devices (this is the Kindle Fire HD). There are coats of arms of 80 countries that are displayed in a random order, with 4 possible answers, all of which are plausible, so it is quite challenging.

Unfortunately, that's all there is to it - once you have answered the 80 questions all you can do is try them again in a different order. There's no way of using this for reference (e.g. "what are the arms of Peru?" ) and no information at all any of the arms. The images probably look OK on a mobile phone but are poor on a high resolution screen (the wikimedia commons images are much better, should you need them).

I gave this 3 stars - it does what it claims to but could have been so much more interesting and useful!

Watch out for more app and website reviews coming soon... (or better still, submit your own right here!)

Please Help!


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