Work in progress... toy shields....

Posted to: The Google+ Heraldry Community

Posted by: Jeffrey Garrison (JBGarrison72)

Created on: April 7 2016 at 3:58

Work in progress... toy shields I'm painting for my brother's kids. They bear his coat of arms differenced (eldest with a a label and second son with reverse tinctures). His kids are 7 and 4 years old so just old enough to enjoy playing with wooden shields I think. The grey cougar head is just a base-coat, it will end up black when finished. Need to do detail painting now, then varnish, sand, varnish, sand some more. :D
Work in progress... toy shields I'm painting for my brother's kids. They bear his coat of arms differenced (eldest with a a label and second son with reverse tinctures). His kids are 7 and 4 years old so just old enough to enjoy playing with wooden shields I think. The grey cougar head is just a base-coat, it will end up black when finished. Need to do detail painting now, then varnish, sand, varnish, sand some more. :D

Work in progress... toy shields I'm painting for my brother's kids. They bear his coat of arms differenced (eldest with a a label and second son with reverse tinctures). His kids are 7 and 4 years old so just old enough to enjoy playing with wooden shields I think. The grey cougar head is just a base-coat, it will end up black when finished. Need to do detail painting now, then varnish, sand, varnish, sand some more. :D

Please Help!


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