Whats New

October 2024

I'm experimenting with toning down the default eye colour of creatures from pure white to a very light grey so they don't appear quite so "bug-eyed". I've done lions, eagles and mythical creatures so far. The change is quite subtle but comments are welcome!

Bug Fixes

  • (roe)buck is now a synonym for stag.

August 2024

"Working..." Notification

Sometimes, with large blazons (or in the case of program errors) the processing of the blazon and the drawing of the image can take a long time (up to 30 seconds). There is an inevitable temptation to keep pressing the "Draw Shield" button if nothing appears to be happening, which just starts off many more, very long processes and may cause the server to have capacity problems.

The "Draw Shield" button will now display "Working..." as soon as it has been pressed and is disabled. It is automatically restored once the shield image has been retrieved (or after 20 seconds if there is a problem with the server).

If there are any problems with this function

Bug Fixes

  • The original "3D" bezants have been restored.
  • Charges on a bend sinister are placed correctly again.
  • Someone reported that azure is not showing correctly as hatching but I can't reproduce this. Can anyone provide an example blazon?

July 2024

New Charges

The following charges and ordinaries have been added:

  • Austrian Imperial Crown (only proper)
  • The heater shaped bordure can be embattled
  • estoile inflamed
  • handbell ancient
  • Greek Orthodox cross (maps to crosslet)
  • Cossack cross (been around for a while but missing from the catalog)
  • Bulgarian orthodox cross
  • Papal cross

June 2024

New Charges

The following charges have been added, or replaced with improved versions:

  • lizard statant
  • tortoise proper
  • bear passant proper
  • parrot proper
  • stag trippant proper
  • seahorse natural
  • sea turtle (shelled)
  • beaver proper
  • wolf passant proper

New Documentation

There is a new set of documentation pages which consolidates all previous sources of information. There has been considerable clean up of redundant content and there is now a comprehensive search feature to allow you to look for specific terms anywhere in the documentation, including the visual catalog (although the original, catalog item only search is still available here.

I still a few additional articles to add from the "Buy me a coffee" blog and some pages from the Github wiki but it is my intention to use this as the single source of all DrawShield information from now on.

Please Help!


Test Me

flashcard image