Edges of the Cross

§2. First of all it will be well, perhaps, to note that the edges of the cross are subjected to the same variety of flection as other ordinaries, namely, they may be engrailed(fr. engreslée), embattled(fr. bretessée), indented(fr. denchée), invected(fr. cannelée), wavy, (fr. ondée) raguly, &c., and this treatment is found at tolerably dates.
Sire Thomas de YNGOLDTHORP, de goules a une crois engrele de argent--Roll, temp. ED. II.
Sire Eustace de la HACCHE de or a une crois engrele de goules--Roll, temp. ED. II.
Argent, a cross embattled sable--BALMANNO.
Ermine, a cross pattée invected gules--GRANDALE, Harl. MS. 1407.
Vert, a cross invected argent--HAWLEY, Clarenceux King of Arms, ob. 1577.
Argent, a cross wavy gules--LORAND.
Or, a cross raguly vert--ANKETEL, Co. Monagham.
Sable, a cross flory raguly argent--BROTHERTON, Maidenhead.
Argent, a cross couped raguly and trunked sable--TYTHINGTON, Chester.
French works give a cross émanchée, but the application of this exaggerated form of dancetty to a cross must be somewhat difficult, and no figures of it have been observed. The écotée of French writers has the appearance of a coarse kind of raguly. In one case the term slipped is applied to a cross, which should probably have its edges adorned with leaves.
Argent, a cross slipped vert--RADELL, Harl. MS. 5866.
D'or, à la croix émanchée de trois pièces et deux demies d'argent sur gueules, cantonnée de quatre têtes de léopard d'azur--LE LYEUR DE LA VAL, Champagne.
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