BANK OF SCOTLAND, Governor and Company of.
BANK OF SCOTLAND, Governor and Company of. " Azur a Sanct Andrew's cross argent betwixt four bezants. On a suteable helmet mantled azur, doubling argent and wreath of their colours is sett for their crest a Cornu-copia diffuseing money or, supported by two women, she on the dexter representing Abundance holding in her hand a Cornu-copia as the former, and that on the sinister representing Justice and holding in her hand a balance. The Motto in Escroll above, "Tanto uberior." Devise (" under which their notes do circulat ") being " Scotia represented by a Lady holding in her right hand a Cornu-copia pouring out money, and in her left a thistle with these words over it, " Tanto uberior."
[Granted ist March 1701, and recorded in Lyon Register 20th February 1849. The supporters are habited in green over a white underskirt.]
Original Source bookofpublicarms00foxd_djvu.txt near line 2861.

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