BEVERLEY (Yorkshire).
BEVERLEY (Yorkshire). Argent, three bars wavy azure, on a chief of the last a castor-beaver, its head turned biting off the castor {i.e. the fur) or.
These are the arms at present made use of, but in the visitation books, drawings of three distinct seals are shown, each plainly bearing a coat-of-arms, but in none of these are the tinctures marked. The first shows a coat . . . three bars wavy . . . and in chief a castor-beaver, its head turned and biting off the castor. This has the legend " Beverlay." The second, which is the largest shows a coat . . . three bars wavj' ... on a chief ... a castor-beaver, its head turned biting off the castor. . . . This has the legend " Sigil. ' Maior. Gubernat et Burgeus Villre de Beverla.'" The third seal, which in size is between the two, shows a coat quarterly I and 4 ... an eagle displayed, . . . ducally crowned ... 2 and 3 . . . three bars wavy . . . and in chief a castorbeaver with its head turned biting off the castor. . . .
Burke and Berry give a coat which agrees with none of the foregoing, namely, Quarterly i and 4 or, an eagle displayed azure, 2 and 3 argent, three bars wavy azure, on a chief of the last a castor-beaver with his head turned biting off the castor, all or.
Original Source bookofpublicarms00foxd_djvu.txt near line 3587.
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