BOLTON (Lancashire).
BOLTON (Lancashire). Gules, two bendlets or, a shuttle with weft pendent between an arrow point upwards and a mule spinning spindle in chief palewise all of the last, and an escocheon in base of the second, thereon a rose of the first, barbed and seeded proper. Crest — Upon a rocky moor, an elephant statant proper, on its back a castle or, and thereon a rose, as in the arms, the trapping per pale gules and vert and charged with a mitre, also or. Motto — " Supera moras."
[Granted by Sir Albert William Woods, Knt, Garter Principal King of Arms, Walter Aston Blount, Clarenceu.x King of Arms, George E. Cokayne, Norroy King of Arms, June S, 1890.]
Original Source bookofpublicarms00foxd_djvu.txt near line 3905.

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In what part of the shield is the roundel?