BRITISH AMERICAN LAND COMPANY. Argent, on a saltire azure, between an oak-tree eradicated in chief, two bee-hives in fess and a ship under sail in base all proper, a cornucopia gold, a chief ermine, thereon a lion passant guardant or, between a thistle slipped also proper and a harp also gold. Crest — A plough proper in front of a garb or. Supporters — (Dexter) a woodman habited proper holding in the exterior hand an axe also proper, (sinister) a reaper habited proper holding in the exterior hand a sickle also proper. Motto — " Neu segnes jaceant terrse."
[Heralds' College, Gts. xl. 115, 117.]
Original Source bookofpublicarms00foxd_djvu.txt near line 4642.
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27th March 2025
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