EDINBURGH, Trades Corporate Bodies.
EDINBURGH, Trades Corporate Bodies. There are fourteen Corporate Bodies of Trades in Edinburgh : at the head of the whole Incorporation is a DeaconConvener, elected annually. He wears as a badge of office a gold medal on which arms are engraved for the fourteen Trades. None of these have been matriculated in Lyon Register except the Surgeons. As they are separate coats-of-arms they are given herein under the several trades, viz.. Surgeons, Goldsmiths, Skinners, Furriers, Hammermen, Wrights, Masons, Taylors, Baxters, Fleshers, Cordners, Weavers, Wakers, Bonnet- Makers, to all of which refer.
Original Source bookofpublicarms00foxd_djvu.txt near line 9453.
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