FOUNDLING HOSPITAL (The Hospital for the Maintenance and Education of Exposed and Deserted Young Children, London). Per fesse azure and vert, a young child lying naked and exposed, extending its right hand proper, in chief a crescent argent between two mullets of six points or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a lamb argent, holding in its mouth a sprig of thyme proper. Supporters — (Dexter) a terminal figure of a woman full of nipples proper with a mantle vert, the term argent, being the Emblem of Nature ; (sinister) the Emblem of Liberty, represented by Britannia holding in her right hand upon a staff" proper a cap argent, and habited in a vest azure, girt with a belt or, the under garment gules. Motto — " Help."
[Granted, College of Arms, 1747; Gts. ix. 237.]
Original Source bookofpublicarms00foxd_djvu.txt near line 10317.

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