GRAVESEND (Kent). Argent, a tower gules, charged with a bull's head issuing from a ducal coronet both or, and vomiting flames of fire proper, all within a bordure azure charged with five fleurs-de-lis and as many buckles or.
At the Visitation of Kent in the year 1619, the following arms are recorded, namely, Vert, upon waves of the sea proper, an ancient one-masted ship, the oars in action and rowers visible or, the mast of the last, the sail argent, the r'gg'"? also proper, and standing erect in the stern of the ship a porcupine collared and lined : but William Le Neve, Clarenceux King of Arms, assigned the first-mentioned coat to the town in the year 1635, to commemorate the connection of the Duke of Lennox therewith. Motto — " Decus et tutamen." See Catalogue of Heraldic Exhib., 71.
Original Source bookofpublicarms00foxd_djvu.txt near line 11543.

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