HEREFORD, City of (Herefordshire).

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HEREFORD, City of (Herefordshire). Gules, three lions passant guardant in pale argent, on a bordurc azure ten saltires of the second. Crest — A lion passant guardant argent, holding in the dexter paw a sword erect proper, hilt and pommel or. Supporters — Two lions rampant guardant argent, each gorged with a collar azure, charged with three buckles or. Motto — " Invicta: fidelitatis pr.-Emium."

The City of Hereford always, for some reason, makes use of a Peer's helmet. The following is a copy of the original draft of the grant, which said draft is for some reason in Ulster's Office: —

" To all & singular unto whom these presents shall come S' Edward walker Kt Garter principall King of Armes of Inglish men sendeth greeting whereas it is most agreable to Justice & reason y' those persons families & Citties that have excell'd in wisdome fidelitie & emient service to ther prince & Countrie in y" times of war should have due regard for such ther worth & valiant actions amoungst w''' was y*^ multitude of barbarous rebells & ther many & traitorious practises against his majesties sacred person the religion lawes & liberties of his majesties kingdomes have excelled y'^ example of former ages & have therby rendered y'= duty Courage & loyallty of those who have valiantly & faithfully adhered to his Majestic y'^ more perspicuous & deserving esteeme for ther hath not any Citty since this unnaturall Rebellion Exprest greater fidelity & Courage then y"' Citty of herefford in Continuing there alleaganc & resisting y'^ many attempts of y*^ rebells but y*^ greatness of there loyallty Courages & undaunted resolution did then most enimently appeare when being straightly beseiged for y* space of 5 weeks by a powcrfull army of Rebellious Scotts & having noe hopes of releife they Joyning with garison & doeing y'= duty of souldiers then defended themselves and repelled ther fury and assaults with such singular constansy & resolution & with soe great distructon of y'' beseidges that they are therby become y^ wonder of ther Neighboring garisons & may be an Example to all other Citties & therfore doe justly deserve such caracters of honor as may be certified to posterity know y'^ therfore y' I y^ s"* S' Edw. Walker K'. Gar', princip'. King at (sic) Armes of Inglish by y'' power & authority anext to my office of garter & Confirmed to me by his Majesties letters pattents under y' great Seale of England & likewise his Majesties speciall Comand & directions have devisd & sett forth such an adition & augmentation of armes with Crest supporters & motto unto and for y^ s'^ Citty viz. about y*^ anntient armes of y' Citty being gules 3 lions passant gard. ; argent on a border azure 10 saltiers or Scottish Crosses argent supported by two lions ramp. gard. arg. each collerd azure and one each Coller 3 buckels or in reference to y'^ armes of y^ Rebellious generall Leisly Earle of Leuen by whom it was besidged & for y"^ Crest on a helme & torse of y"^ Coller mantled guls doubled argent a lion pass. gard. argent holding in y'= dexter paw a sword erect proper hilt & pomelled or & in a scrowle underneath this Motto Invictae fidelitatis premium w"'' augmentation of armes Crest supporters & motto I doe hereby give grant & assign unto y' now maior

aldermen & Corporation of y^ Citty of Hereford to be by them & their successors for ever sett forth upon all occasion as y" proper armes of that Citty. In wittness whereof I have herunto subscribd my name & affixt y'^ Scale of my office y° i6 day of 7"'ber in y'^ 21 yeare of y'= raign of our souvraigne 1'' Charles by y" grace of god king Ing. Scott, fr. & Ir. defender of y"= f"' & In y'^ year of our L"* 1645."

Original Source bookofpublicarms00foxd_djvu.txt near line 12509.

HEREFORD, City of (Herefordshire).
HEREFORD, City of (Herefordshire).
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