JOINERS, The Worshipful Company of, London.
JOINERS, The Worshipful Company of, London. (Incorporated 14th April 1570.) Gules, a chevron argent between two pairs of compasses in chief extended at the points, and a sphere in base or: on a chief of the last a pale azure between two roses gules, seeded of the third, barbed vert, on the pale an escallop of the second. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a demi-savage proper, wreathed about the head and waist with leaves vert, holding in his dexter hand over his shoulder a tilting-spear or, headed argent. Supporters — Two naked boys proper, the dexter holding in his hand an emblematical female figure crowned with a mural coronet sable, the sinister holding in his hand a square. Motto — " Join Loyalty and Liberty." (Another Motto—'' Join truth with trust.") [Of no authority.]
Original Source bookofpublicarms00foxd_djvu.txt near line 13696.

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