MILITARY SOCIETY. Gules, a regal crown proper, on a chief argent, the cross of St George. Crest — On a prince's coronet or, a cubit arm in armour argent, holding in the gauntlet a tilting spear proper, thereon a banner gules, charged with the motto " Ich dien " or. Supporters — Two war horses argent, completely accoutred gules, on the head a skull plate, with a spike in each, armour for the neck, etc., all azure, on each head a plume of three feathers gules. Motto —
" Floreat vigeatque corona."
[College of Arms. Gtd. by Borough, Garter, 1639. Refer to Warlicke 'Society, where is a different blazon of the same coat-of-arms.]
Original Source bookofpublicarms00foxd_djvu.txt near line 17331.
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