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MINERAL AND BATTERY WORKS, Society of (London). (Incorporated 28th May 1568.) Azure, on a mount vert, a square brazen pillar, supported on the dexter by a lion rampant reguardant, and on the sinister by a dragon segreant, both or, in chief, on the top of the pillar a bundle of wire tied and bound together of the last, between a bezant on the dexter side and a plate on the sinister. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed proper both hands holding a calamine stone argent spotted with red, yellow, and blue Supporters — Two emblematical figures, viz., the dexter a female proper representing Science, vested in a short bodice, coat, rufT, etc., argent (being the dress of the ladies in the reign of Elizabeth), in her dexter hand a pair of compasses, and on her head a crescent both or, crined of the last ; the sinister figure, an old man proper representing Labour, vested in a long frock, turned up over his elbows argent in his sinister hand a hammer or. [College of Arms. Dethick's Gifts, 25.]


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