SILK-THROWSTERS' COMPANY, London. Argent, three bundles or hanks of silk in fesse sable on a chief azure, a silk-thrower's mill or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, a mount vert, thereon a mulberry tree with silk-worms variously dispersed all proper. Supporters. — Two Janissary guards proper, habited in the dress of the country {i.e. with turbans on their heads, coats a little way down their arms, and half boots rolled all proper), each having a hank of silk hanging over his e.xterior arm ; the dexter holding a battle-axe erect, the sinister a scimitar, the point downwards of the last. Motto — " God in his least creatures."
[Arms and crest granted by John Smert, Garter, 20th October 1464.]
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