ST. HELENA. No warrant assigning arms has as yet been issued to St Helena. The Admiralty publish as the device to be used upon the Union flag by the Governor the arms, " In a landscape field upon waves of the sea in base a threemasted ship with sails furled, rocks issuing from the sea and the dexter side of the escutcheon."
Original Source bookofpublicarms00foxd_djvu.txt near line 22451.
Please Help!
February running costs provided by James, with thanks!
![Coffee and cake](/img/karl-at-work.jpg)
If you can, please help cover the cost of the server, or just buy the team a coffee to say thanks!
12th February 2025
Test Me
![flashcard image](/build/img/simple/lion-courant.png)
In what stance, or pose, is this lion?