TUAM, See of.

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TUAM, See of. Azure three figures erect under as many canopies or stalls of Gothic work or, their faces, hands, and legs proper, in the middle the Blessed Virgin with a child in her arm.s, on the dexter side an archbishop in his pontificals, with his dexter hand giving benediction, with the sinister holding a crozier bendwise ; on the sinister side St John holding his dexter hand upwards, and in the sinister a lamb, each in proper vestments, all or, hands and feet proper, over each of their heads a piece of Gothic architecture of the second.

[These arms, which are recorded in Ulster's Office, remain in use, but through the disestablishment of the Irish Church are really extinct and their present use is illegal.]

Original Source bookofpublicarms00foxd_djvu.txt near line 25799.

TUAM, See of.
TUAM, See of.
Contents  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

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