TUAM, See of.
TUAM, See of. Azure three figures erect under as many canopies or stalls of Gothic work or, their faces, hands, and legs proper, in the middle the Blessed Virgin with a child in her arm.s, on the dexter side an archbishop in his pontificals, with his dexter hand giving benediction, with the sinister holding a crozier bendwise ; on the sinister side St John holding his dexter hand upwards, and in the sinister a lamb, each in proper vestments, all or, hands and feet proper, over each of their heads a piece of Gothic architecture of the second.
[These arms, which are recorded in Ulster's Office, remain in use, but through the disestablishment of the Irish Church are really extinct and their present use is illegal.]
Original Source bookofpublicarms00foxd_djvu.txt near line 25799.
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