WATERFORD, See of. Azure, a saint standing on two degrees or steps, vested in a loose robe, rays about his head, holding a crucifix before him, his hands on the extreme ends, and his feet resting on the uppermost step all or {ancienf). Modern (borne by Nathaniel Foy, 1691-1708) — Vert two keys in saltire, bows down or, in chief a lion passant guardant argent, in fesse a Bible on the dexter and an annulet on the sinister of the second, in base six cloven tongues, three, two, and one of the third.
[These first-mentioned arms are recorded in Ulster's Office, but through the disestablishment of the Irish Church they are now extinct]
Original Source bookofpublicarms00foxd_djvu.txt near line 27131.
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