Happy New Year

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    arg scaly platinum
a fillet cross or papelonny golden brown
a laurel wreath arg grady in bend smaller
a planet earth sky blue much smaller
a hand of benediction pearl in dexter chief charged
 with a heart gu grady in bend sinister pink very much
 lower very much lower slightly lower smaller
a top half of a rainbow in base much smaller much
 lower lower
achievement a helmet arg very much smaller very much
 smaller very much smaller very much smaller very much
crest a dove volant arg en soleil lower charged with
 an olive sprig proper bendwise reversed very much
 smaller very much to the dexter much to the dexter
 much higher higher
mantling milk white and milk white
motto "2☮21" lower slightly lower

(Previously entry no. 6006)

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Happy New Year everyone. Let's grab 2021 before they take it from us.

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