Savigny-le-Temple commune, Seine-et-Marne, France

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    Parted per pale
first az a bar or 2 roses shewn much raised very much
 closer together much to the dexter a moon crescent
 arg shewn very much lowered very much lowered very
 much lowered smaller much smaller to the sinister
second parted per fess
1) or in base 2 rose stems gu slipped vert shewn closer
 together very much larger larger much lowered slightly
 lowered to the sinister
2) az a pair of wings a sword arg hilt and pommel
 or shewn raised; in chief 2 mullets of the last
;;;; over the quarterings a chief triangular arg charged
 with a crosslet paty fitchy gu shewn much larger.
crest village mural crown or shewn much wider larger
 raised much raised

(Previously entry no. 2319)

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