Fenwick's Roll 441-480
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a roll with 5 columns background runelord-brass Vert on cross arg 5 torteaux shown smaller. caption Grenefeld then Arg 2 bendlets 3 choughs in bend sinister sa beaked and membered ppr shown much further apart closer together larger. caption Grenefeld then Or on fess sa a lion passant arg shown very much larger. caption "Hussey (Huse)" then Arg on chief sa a fleur de lis quebec arg between 2 mullets pierced or shown much larger charged with a roundel gu shown very much smaller much smaller slightly smaller. caption Salvayn then Az 2 lions passant guardant in pale arg shown much closer together larger slightly higher. caption Borne then Sa chevron or between 3 crescents ermine. caption Babthorpe then Arg 2 lions passant guardant in pale sa crowned or shown much closer together larger slightly higher stroked imperial-primer. caption Catesby then Gu fretty or chief arg. caption "Cranford (Catesby)" then Paly of 5 arg and sa. caption "Springhose (Sprengehose)" then Arg cross voided between 4 crosslets fitchy gu. caption Billing then Gu fretty arg on chief or a lion passant gu shown much larger. caption Spigornell then Gu a chief checky or and az, over all a bend engrailed arg. then Arg on bend sa 3 crescents bendwise arg shown much larger. caption Elmedon then Gu a stags head arg shown larger. caption Duston then Sa fess wavy between 3 wolfs heads erased or. caption "Wolferston (Wolverton)" then Az 2 bars arg and on chief arg 3 lozenges gu shown taller. caption "Fleming (Flemyng)" then Paly of 6 arg and vert. caption Langley then Or a fess between 3 crescents gu. caption Boynton then Arg on bend sa 3 owls reversed shown larger slightly to the dexter charged with a coronet arg shown very much higher very much higher very much higher very much higher very much higher much higher much to the sinister very much shorter smaller. caption Crownhale then Arg 2 bars abased gu a lion passant guardant gu in chief shown much larger slightly lower. caption Burnby then Per chevron sa and ermine 2 boars heads in chief or shown larger much lower. caption Sandford then Per chevron sa and ermine 2 boars heads in chief or shown larger much lower a label of 3 arg. caption Sandford then Per chevron sa and ermine 2 boars heads in chief or shown larger much lower a crescent arg in middle chief shown very much smaller shorter much higher. caption Sandford then Per chevron sa and ermine 2 boars heads in chief or shown larger much lower an annulet arg in middle chief shown very much smaller much higher. caption Sandford then Per chevron sa and ermine 2 boars heads in chief or shown larger much lower a mullet arg in middle chief shown much smaller much higher. caption Sandford then Az on a cross patonce or shown larger a mullet of 6 gu shown very much smaller much smaller. caption Warde then Vert on chevron between 3 garbs arg shown stroked grey 3 mullets sa shown much larger. caption "Wace (Wase)" then Gu 2 spades palewise inverted in upper half shown very much larger larger much lower lower a spade arg in lower half shown very much larger larger much higher higher. then Ermine 5 fusils in fess throughout conjoined gu shown very much shorter shorter. caption Hebden then Checky or and az a fess ermine. caption Calthorpe then Arg chevron between 3 stags heads caboshed sa shown stroked imperial primer. caption Gernon then Gu 3 catherine wheels shown closer together bordure arg. caption Wyfford then Arg fess ermine. caption Harleston then Quarterly gu and or a bend az. caption Felle then arg semy of saltires couped shown stroked gu very much larger much larger lower gu and bezants shewn much to the dexter to the dexter much smaller lower bordure engrailed az. caption Trussell then Az chief checky or and gu. caption "Pierpoint (Perpownt)" then Arg a stags head gu shown larger. caption Gernon then Sa billetty 3 mugs arg shown larger. caption Goter then Gu 3 swans close arg. caption "Selby Abbey" then Az saltire between 4 crosslets or. caption "Friskney (Fyrstenay)"
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