The Newcastle Armorial (Boroughbridge Roll) 1319 Part 4 of 6

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    a roll with 5 columns
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title "The Newcastle Armorial
(Boroughbridge Roll) 1319 Part 4 of 6"
[From Greenstreet 1884 The Genealogist Vol 1 pp 51-54
 & 117-121 & Vol 2 pp 30-33 7 98-103 & Clemmensen 2016]

Arg., a cross patonce Az. [D'argent, ove j. croiz
 patee d'Azur.]
caption "121. Sire Johan de Sutton"

Crusilly Gu. and Arg. a fess Arg. (Gu., crusilly and
 a fess Arg.) [De Gules, ove j. fesse d'Argent, croisele
caption "122. Sire Johan Pecche, Baneret"

Crusilly Gu. and Arg. a fess Arg. a label Az. (Gu.,
 crusilly and a fess Arg. a label of three pendants
 Az.) [Mesme les armes ove j. label d'Azur.]
caption "123. Sire Johan soun fiz"

Arg., three bar gemel Sa. (Arg., three bars gemelles
 Sa.) [D'argent, ove iij. gemels de Sable.]
caption "124. Sire William Arcalou"

Az., a chevron between three mullets Or. [D'azur,
 j. cheveroun moles d'Or.]
caption "125. Sire Johan Chedewynt"

Fretty Or and Sa. (Or, frettee Sa.) [D'or, frette
 de Sable.]
caption "126. Sire Johan Murdac"

Arg., an inescutcheon 12 martlets Gu. in an orle (Arg.,
 an inescutcheon within  an orle of martlets Gu.) [D'argent,
 ove j. escuchun de Gules, ove la bordure de merles
 de Gules.]
caption "127. Sire Johan de Vaux"

Or, a cross engrailed Sa. and a label Gu. [D'or, ove
 j. croiz engrele de Sable, ove j. label de Gules.]
caption "128. Sire Johan de Mooun"

Ermine, on a bend Gu. three escallops Or. [D'ermyne,
 ove j. bende de Gules, ove iij. escalopes d'Or.]
caption "129. Sire William Wene"

Paly of six Or and Az., on a bend Gu. three mullets
 Arg. [Palee d'Or et d'Azur, ove j. bend de Gules,
 iij. molez d'Argent,]
caption "130. Sire Ouuel Pouuel"

Or, a cross passant Sa. [D'or, ove j. croiz de Sable.]
caption "131. Sire Gilbert de Atton"

Arg., an inescutcheon Sa. 12 sixfoils Gu. in an orle
 (Arg., an inescutcheon Sa. Within an orle of six-foils
 Gu.) [D'argent, ove j. escuchun de Sable, ove le sistefoil
 en bordure de Gules.]
caption "132. Sire Johan Darsy"

Gu., a chevron between three bulls passant Or. [De
 Gules, ove j. cheveroun iij. torz d'Or.]
caption "133. Sire Johan Turny"

Or, a lion rampant Az. a bend compony Arg. and Gu
 (Or,a lion rampant Az. Debruised by a baston gobony
 Arg. and Gu) [D'or, ove j. lyoun d'Azur, ove j. bastoun
 gobune d'Argent et de Gules.]
caption "134. Sire Johan de Sutton, de Holdernes"

Gu. a bend engrailed Or.(Gu. a bend fusilly Or.) [De
 Gules, j. bende engrele d'Or. ]
caption "135. Sire Ancel de Mareschal"

Arg., a fess engrailed between three crescents Sa.(Arg.,
 a fess fusilly between three crescents Sa.) [D 'argent,
 ove j. fesse engrele et iij. cressaunz de Sable.]
caption "136. Sire Wauter de Pateshull"

Crusilly Arg., and Gu. and a lion rampant Gu. crowned
 Or.(Arg., crusilly Gu. and a lion rampant of the second
 crowned Or.) [D'argent, ove j. lyoun de Goules corone
 d'Or, croisele de Gules.]
caption "137 Sire Stevene Barret"

Vert, six lions rampant Or. [De Vert, ove vj. lyouns
caption "138 Sire Nichol de Charniles"

Vair, a bend Gu. (Vair, a baston Gu.) [Verree, ove
 j. bastoun de Gules.]
caption "139 Sire Guy de Mancestre"

Az., a cross engrailed Or. [D'azur, ove j. croiz engrele
caption "140 Sire Thomas Wyther"

Arg., a fess between three crescents Gu. [D'argent,
 ove j. fesse et iij. cressauntz de Gules.]
caption "141 Sire Thomas Wyther"

Crusilly Sa. and Arg. and a bend Arg.(Sa., crusilly
 and a bend Arg.) [De Sable, ove j. bende d' Argent,
 croisele d'Argent]
caption "142 Sire Thomas de Longebilers"

Gu., an eagle displayed Arg. [De Gules, ove j. egle
caption "143 Sire Henri de Sodhulle"

Paly of six Or and Gu., a bend Arg. [Pak'e d'Or et
 de Gules, ove j. bende d'Argent.]
caption "144 Sire Nichol de Langeford"

Or, on a bend Sa. three mullets Arg. [D'or, ove j.
 bende de Sable, et iij. molez d'Argent.]
caption "145 Sire Nichol Boneville"

Roundelly Gu., and Or, and a canton Ermine (Gu., semy
 of roundles Or, and a canton Erm. -as correctly blazoned).
 [Quartilee les armes la Souche et de Hermyn.]
caption "146 Sire Roger la Souche"

Arg., three sixfoils Gu., a bordure Vair charged with
 12 eagles displayed Or. (Arg., three six-foils Gu.,
 and on a bordure Vair an orle of eagles displayed
 Or.) [D'argent, ove iij. sistefoilles de Gules, ove
 la bordure de Veer eglettee d'Or.']
caption "147 Sire Robert Darcy"

Arg., three bendlets Gu. (Arg., three bends Gu.) [D'argent,
 ove iij. bendes de Gules.]
caption "148 Sire Johan de Brakworth"

Arg., a saltire Az., and a label Gu. [D'argent, ove
 j. sauter d'Azur, label de Gules.]
caption "149 Sire Richard Beroun"

Ermine an escutcheon Barry Or and Gu on a chief tierced
 in pale Or paly
 of 9 Or and Gu; and Or  2 gyrons Gu over
 all an inescutcheon Arg   (Ermine, an inescutcheon
 charged with the arms of Mortimer,) [D'ermyne, ove
 j. escuchun de Mortymer.]
caption "150 Sire Thomas Blaunfroun"

Sa., a fess between three crescents Arg. [De Sable,
 ove j. fesse et iij. cressauntz d'Argent.]
caption "151 Sire Johan fiz Simond"

Arg., three water-bougets Sa. [D'argent, ove iij.
 busseus de Sable.]
caption "152 Sire George de Ros"

Gu., a lion rampant, within a bordure indented Arg.
 [De Gules, ove j. lyoun et la bordure endente d'Argent.]
caption "153 Sire William Rydel"

Arg., a cross patonce Gu., and an escutcheon  Or,
 a cross Sa. in dexter chief (Arg., a cross patonce
 Gu., and in the dexter chief an inescutcheon charged
 with the arms of Aton -Or, a cross Sa-). [D'argent,
 ove j. croiz patee de Gules, ove j. escuchun en cornere
 les armes de Aton.]
caption "154 Sire Wauter Perschay"

Billetty Or and Sa. (Or, billetty Sa.) [D'or, bilette
 de Sable.]
caption "155 Sire Edmund Caselyn"

Ermine, a chief bendy Or. and Az. [D'ermyne, ove le
 chef bende d'Or et d'Azur.]
caption "156 Sire Rauf le fiz Richard"

Argent semy of cross potent sable three fleurs-de-lis
 Sa. overall a bordure indented Sa. (Arg., crusilly
 potent and three fleurs-de-lis Sa. within a bordure
 indented of the second.) [D'argent ove iij. flurs,
 croiselez potente de Sable, ove la bordure endente
 de Sable.]
caption "157 Sire Stevene Baret"

Gu., two bars Arg  12 martlets Arg. in an orle (Gu.,
 two bars between an orle of martlets Arg.) [De Gules,
 ove ij. barres en bordure des merlos d' Argent.]
caption "158 Sire Johan de Roland"

Per pale Gu. and Vert, a lion rampant Arg. [Party
 de Gules et del Vert,ovej. lyound'Argent.]
caption "159 Sire Thomas de Bengham"

Arg., a lion rampant Gu., crowned Or, a bend bezanty
 Sa. and Or (Arg., a lion ramp. Gu., crowned Or, debruised
 by a bend Sa. bezantee.) [D'argent, ove j. lyoun de
 Gules, corone d'Or, j. bend de Sable j besauntee d'Or.]
caption "160 Sire Edmund de Curteneye"

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Notes: The original text in French is given in square brackets, the text from Greenstreet and my comments in brackets.

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