Coat of arms of Paul Singh Dhillon
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Argent two flaunches waaagh-flesh fimbriated sa, a chief arg fimbriated sa in chief a square sa stroked sa much lower lower very much shorter very much shorter very much shorter shorter very much shorter very much wider very much wider very much wider; in chief a square sa stroked sa very much shorter very much shorter very much shorter very much shorter shorter very much wider very much wider very much wider in chief three square sa stroked sa very much narrower very much narrower very much narrower very much narrower narrower very much taller in chief a roundel sa stroked sa much smaller very much to dexter much to dexter slightly to dexter charged with a roundel arg in chief a roundel sa stroked sa much smaller very much to sinister much to sinister slightly to sinister charged with a roundel arg in chief a square sa stroked sa much smaller very much wider slightly wider charged with a square arg stroked arg much wider taller charged with a triquetra inverted gray-goose stroked gray-goose smaller slightly smaller very much higher very much higher very much higher very much higher very much higher very much higher higher much larger wider very much to dexter very much to dexter much to dexter rotated charged with a triquetra gray-goose stroked gray-goose very much larger larger very much rotated very much to sinister very much to sinister very much to sinister very much to sinister very much to sinister very much to sinister very much to sinister much to sinister very much higher very much higher higher slightly shorter in chief a triquetra gray-goose stroked gray-goose very much smaller smaller shorter wider lower lower to sinister slightly to sinister rotated in chief a triquetra gray-goose stroked gray-goose very much smaller smaller shorter wider lower lower to dexter slightly to dexter rotated to sinister in chief 1 triquetra bendwise sinister gray-goose stroked gray-goose very much smaller slightly smaller very much to sinister very much to sinister slightly to sinister higher slightly higher taller charged with an alchemical symbol for gold gray-goose stroked gray-goose very much larger much lower shorter in chief 1 triquetra bendwise gray-goose stroked gray-goose very much smaller slightly smaller very much to sinister slightly to sinister higher slightly higher taller charged with an alchemical symbol for gold gray-goose stroked gray-goose very much larger much lower shorter in chief 1 triquetra inverted bendwise gray-goose stroked gray-goose very much smaller slightly smaller very much to sinister very much to sinister slightly to sinister lower slightly lower taller charged with an alchemical symbol for gold gray-goose stroked gray-goose very much larger much lower shorter in chief 1 triquetra inverted bendwise sinister gray-goose stroked gray-goose very much smaller slightly smaller very much to sinister slightly to sinister lower slightly lower taller charged with an alchemical symbol for gold gray-goose stroked gray-goose very much larger much lower shorter in chief 1 triquetra bendwise sinister gray-goose stroked gray-goose very much smaller slightly smaller very much to dexter slightly to dexter higher slightly higher taller charged with an alchemical symbol for gold gray-goose stroked gray-goose very much larger much lower shorter in chief 1 triquetra bendwise gray-goose stroked gray-goose very much smaller slightly smaller very much to dexter very much to dexter slightly to dexter higher slightly higher taller charged with an alchemical symbol for gold gray-goose stroked gray-goose very much larger much lower shorter in chief 1 triquetra inverted bendwise gray-goose stroked gray-goose very much smaller slightly smaller very much to dexter slightly to dexter lower slightly lower taller charged with an alchemical symbol for gold gray-goose stroked gray-goose very much larger much lower shorter in chief 1 triquetra inverted bendwise sinister gray-goose stroked gray-goose very much smaller slightly smaller very much to dexter very much to dexter slightly to dexter lower slightly lower taller charged with an alchemical symbol for gold gray-goose stroked gray-goose very much larger much lower shorter overall a fillet bordure sa crest an esquire's helmet platinum much larger very much higher mantling platinum grady in annulo argent and forest-green grady in annulo medium-forest-green a torse medium-forest-green and argent larger slightly larger very much higher very much higher much higher slightly higher to sinister an upper half of a lion sejant-erect dark-orange grady in bend gu langued grapefruit stroked mocha very much higher very much higher much higher larger much to sinister charged with a clover gu grady in fess dark-orange smaller very much to sinister very much to sinister very much to sinister very much to sinister very much to sinister very much to sinister very much to sinister much to sinister very much higher much higher higher fesswise reversed charged with a rapier per pale arg grady in fess metallic-silver and metallic-silver grady in fess argent hilt mustard stroked dark-goldenrod very much larger very much larger very much larger much larger bendwise sinister very much lower very much lower very much lower very much lower very much lower very much lower very much lower very much lower very much lower very much lower very much lower very much lower very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much taller much taller charged with a lower half of a saxon crown forest-green grady in fess waaagh-flesh stroked forest-green very much larger very much larger larger bendwise very much higher very much higher very much higher very much higher very much higher higher very much to sinister very much to sinister very much to sinister very much to sinister very much to sinister very much to sinister very much to sinister charged with a cross couped medium-forest-green grady in annulo forest-green very much larger larger very much higher very much higher very much higher very much higher slightly higher charged with a demi cross couped forest-green grady in fess medium-forest-green very much to sinister very much to sinister very much to sinister very much to sinister very much to sinister very much to sinister much to sinister lower very much larger slightly larger rotated to sinister charged with a demi cross couped reversed forest-green grady in fess medium-forest-green very much larger larger slightly larger very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter very much to dexter much to dexter lower very much larger slightly larger much rotated to dexter very much lower very much lower very much lower very much lower very much lower very much lower motto scroll "FIOSRAIGH • FULAING • SÁRAIGH"
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With Tags: paul, singh, dhillon, british, columbia, canada, flaunches, billet, lion, khanda
The green, white, and saffron represent the colors of India and Ireland, the origins of Dr. Dhillon and his spouse. The space between the flaunches represents the path of Sikhism, and his journey to Ireland. The chief's design alludes to the Book of Kells illuminated manuscript kept in Dublin, the black color alluding to the city's etymology of "black pool." The circles represent wheels and Dr. Dhillon's membership in the Rotary International; they also symbolize his two children, with the central rectangle indicating marriage and the core family bond. The lion alludes to the name Singh, meaning "lion" in Sanskrit and, together with the khanda sword, his Sikh ancestry. The crosses allude to the Red Cross and Dr. Dhillon's work as a reservist medical officer. -Ae1

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16th March 2025
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