Coat of arms of Nathaniel Christopher

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    barry of 22 chilli-pepper chilli-pepper chilli-pepper
 chilli-pepper chilli-pepper chilli-pepper chilli-pepper
 chilli-pepper arg chilli-pepper arg chilli-pepper
 arg chilli-pepper chilli-pepper chilli-pepper chilli-pepper
 chilli-pepper chilli-pepper chilli-pepper chilli-pepper
 chilli-pepper and chilli-pepper, a pile throughout
 barry of 22 arg arg arg arg arg arg arg arg chilli-pepper
 arg chilli-pepper arg chilli-pepper arg arg arg arg
 arg arg arg arg and arg; in base a fusil sa stroked
 sa taller taller slightly wider
in chief a square chilli-pepper stroked sa very much
 shorter very much shorter very much shorter very much
 shorter shorter much wider much lower lower;
in chief four pillars in fess gu grady in fess chilli-pepper
 stroked sa very much closer very much closer much
 closer narrower smaller slightly smaller higher higher
in chief a square chilli-pepper stroked sa very much
 shorter very much shorter very much shorter very much
 shorter very much shorter wider slightly wider slightly
in chief a triangle chilli-pepper stroked sa very
 much shorter very much shorter shorter wider slightly
 wider higher
charged with a triangle cranberry stroked sa much
charged with a triangle chilli-pepper stroked chilli-pepper
 much larger very much lower wider slightly wider
a torse chilli-pepper and arg much higher higher slightly
 higher very much larger larger
a sword inverted argent hilt and pommel gu very much
 larger much larger very much higher very much higher
 very much higher very much higher very much higher
 taller very much to dexter very much to dexter very
 much to dexter
charged with a raccoon rampant inverted arg very much
 larger very much larger very much larger much larger
 very much higher very much lower lower taller very
 much to sinister very much to sinister very much to
 sinister very much to sinister very much to sinister
 very much to sinister very much to sinister very much
 to sinister very much to sinister very much to sinister
 to sinister
 very much higher very much higher very much higher

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With Tags: nathaniel, christopher, british columbia, canada, pile, barrulets, temple, raccooon


The red and white, found in the flags of England and Alabama, recall Mr. Christopher's maternal and paternal ancestries, respectively. With the black lozenge, they recall the arms of Nanaimo, BC, where he grew up. The pile suggests a guiding light or enlightenment through hard work, alongside the barrulets resembling steps. They lead to a temple, which echoes the calm high places referred to by the motto and symbolizes Mr. Christopher's dream of safety and his deep respect for institutions of learning. The raccoon represents his neighborhood wildlife and the importance of animals for people on the autism spectrum, while the sword is found in the arms of Peterborough, Ontario, and his alma mater of Trent University. -Ae1

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