The Newcastle Armorial (Boroughbridge Roll) 1319 Part 1 of 6

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    a roll with 5 columns
background bisque
title "The Newcastle Armorial
(Boroughbridge Roll) 1319 Part 1 of 6"
[From Greenstreet 1884 The Genealogist Vol 1 pp 51-54
 & 117-121 & Vol 2 pp 30-33 7 98-103 & Clemmensen 2016]

Billety Gu. and Or (Gu. billety Or.) [De Gules, biletté
caption "1 Sire Thomas Coudray"

Arg., two bends Gu. [D’argent, ove ij. bendes de
caption "2 Sire Rauf le Botiller"

Gu., a bend cotised between six martlets Or. (Gu.,
 a bend betw. two cotises and six martlets Or.) [De
 Gules, ove j. bende et ij. coutys ove vj. marles d’Or.]
caption "3 Sire Johan be Monteny"

Gu., a bend between six martlets Or. [Mesmes les armes
 sauve les ij. coutys d’Or.]
caption "4 Sire Thomas be Monteny"

Gu., a lion passant Arg. crowned Or. [De Gules, ove
 un lyoun passaunt d’Argent coronee d’Or.]
caption "5 Sire Warin del Edle"

Gu., two bars vair. [De Gules, ove ij. barres de veer.]
caption "6 Sire Richard Talebot"

Az., a bend Arg., and on an inescutcheon Or, a bend
 engrailed Sa. [D’azur, ove j. bend d’Argent, ove
 j. escuchun d’Or, ove j. bende engrele de Sable.]
caption "7 Sire Johan de Lydebusers, Franceis"

Crusilly Gu. and Arg. and a lion passant Arg (Gu.,
 crusilly and a lion passant Arg.) [De Gules, ove j.
 lyoun passaunt d’Argent, croiselee d’Argent.]
caption "8 Sire Johan del Edle"

Or, a chevron between three roundles Sa. [D’or,
 over j. ove iij. pelotes de Sable.]
caption "9 Sire Henr. de Berfeld"

Fretty Arg. and Sa. and a canton Gu. (Arg., frettee
 Sa. and a canton Gu.) [Erette de Sable, ove un fauketoun
 de Gules.]
caption "10 Sire Richard de la Ryvere"

Arg., two bars Sa., and on a quarter Sa. a cinquefoil
 Or. (Arg., two bars Sa., and on a quarter of the second
 a cinquefoil Or.)[D’argent, ij. barres de Sable,
 en l'un quarter j. quintfoil d’Or.]
caption "11 Sire Johan de Tuyford"

Roundelly Gu. and Or (Gu., semy of roundles Or.) [De
 Goules, beusantee d’Or. C’est le Mortimer.]
caption "12 Sire William la Souche , Baneret"

Gu., an eagle displayed Or. [DeGules,ovej. egled’Or.]
caption "13 Sire Piers de Lymsey"

Az., a lion rampant Or over a chief Gu.; overall a
 label Arg. (Az., a lion ramp. Or over a chief Gu.;
 a label of three pendants Arg.) [D Azur, ove j. lyoun
 d’Or, ove le chief de Gules, label j d’Argent.]
caption "14 Sire Thomas de Hastank"

Az., a bend engrailed Or. [D’azur, ove j. bende
 engrele d’Or.]
caption "15 Sire William Byrmyngham"

Gu., a lion rampant Ermine crowned Or. [De Gules,
 une lyoun d’Ermine coronee d’Or.]
caption "16 Sire Johan Hamelyn"

Barry nebuly of 6 Or and Sa. (Barry nebulee of six
 Or, and Sa.) [ ... d’Or et de Sable.]
caption "17 Sire William le Blond"

Gu., two bars Arg. on a chief Gu. three escallops
 Arg. (Gu., two bars and in chief three escallops Arg.)
 [De Gules, ij. barres d’Argent, iij. escalopes d’Ar-
caption "18 Sire William Bause"

Arg., a cross, engrailed Gu. [D’argent, ove la croiz
 engrele de Gules.]
caption "19 Sire Symon de Drayton"

Arg., on a chevron Gu. Three escallops Or. [D’argent,
 ove j. che- veroun de Gules iij. escalopes d’Or.]
caption "20 Sire Neel de Salforde"

Sa., a lion rampant Arg. crowned Or, and a label Gu.
 [De Sable, un lyoun d’Argent corone d’Or, ove
 label de Gules.]
caption "21 Sire Nichol de Segrave, Baneret"

Roundelly Gu. and Or overall a bend Arg. (Gu., semy
 of roundles Or, and over all a bend Arg.) [De Gules,
 besaunte d’Or, ove un bende d’Argent.]
caption "22 Sire Amery la Souche"

Gu., a fess between six martlets Or. [De Gules, ove
 j. fesse et vj. marles d’Or.]
caption "23 Sire Wauter de Beauchamp"

Flory Or and Sa. (Or, flory Sa.) [D’or, flurette
 de Sable.]
caption "24 Sire Costantyn de Mortemer"

Quarterly per fess indented Az. and Ermine (Quarterly
 indented Az. and Ermine) [Quartile endente d’Azure
 et d’Ermyne.]
caption "25 Sire William de Sannford"

Quarterly Or. and Gu. Four crescents counter-changed.
 [Quartile d’Or et de Gules, ove qatre cressauntz
 de l’un et l’autre.]
caption "26 Sire Mayen de Basingbourne"

Arg., a lion rampant Sa. a bend Az. charged with a
 cinquefoil Ermine (Arg., a lion rampant Sa. de-bruised
 by a baston Az. charged with a cinquefoil Ermine)
 [D’argent, ove j. lyoun de Sable, j. bastoun d’Azur,
 j. quintfoil d’Ennyne.]
caption "27 Sire Richard de Egebaston"

Fretty Az., and Or, and a label Gu. (Az., frettee
 Or, and a label of three pendants Gu.) [D’azur,
 frettee d’Or, ove j. label de Gules.]
caption "28 Sire Richard de Mundeville"

Arg an escutcheon Gu. six roundels Or (Blazon inexplicable.
 See N° 58 for the term “queynty,” or “queyntee,”
 again. -In escutcheon the arms of Vipont used by him
 after his marriage in 1301-) [Queynty d’Argent,
 frettée de ses armes d’Ermyne]
caption "29 Sire Johan de Crombwelle"

Billety Gu. and Or a saltire Ermine (Gu., billetty
 Or, a saltire vair. )[De Gules, ove une sauter de
 veer, bilettee d’Or.]
caption "30 Sire Richard Chambernoun"

Arg., a chevron between three billets Az. [D’argent,
 ove j.cheveroun et iij. billettes d’Azur.]
caption "31 Sire Richard de Mouncanesy"

Arg., a chief Gu.,and overall a bend gobony Or and
 Az. (Arg., a chief Gu.,and overall a baston/baton
 gobony Or and Az.) [D’argentit ove le chief de Goules,
 ove j. bastoun gobune d’Or et d’Azur.]
caption "32 Sire Richard de Crombwell"

Chequy Or and Az., a fess Gu. [Eschekere d’Or et
 d’Azur, ove j. fesse de Gules.]
caption "33 Sire Roger de Clifford, baneret"

Arg., two bars Gu. on a chief Arg. three roundles
 Gu. ; overall a bordure indented Sa. (Arg., two bars
 and in chief three roundles Gu. ; a bordure indented
 Sa.) [D’argent, ove ij. barres de Gules, ove iij.
 pelotes de Gules en chief, ove un bordure endente
 de Sable.]
caption "34 Sire Thomas Wake, de Blithesworthe"

Argent semy of cross patonce Sable three fleurs-de-lis
 Sa. overall a bordure indented Gu. (Arg., semy of
 crosses potent and three fleurs-de-lis Sa. a bordure
 indented Gu. )[D’argent, ove iij. flurs i de liz
 de Sable, poudre de croiseletz potente de Sable, ove
 la bordure endente de Gules.]
caption "35 Sire Symon de Bereford"

Argent semy of martlet Gules, a chevron Sa. (Arg.,
 semy of martlets Gu., a chevron Sa.) [D’argent,
 ove j. cheveroun de Sable, poudree des marles de Gules.]
caption "36 Sire Johan de Hardeshulle"

Arg., a lion rampant Sa. Crowned Or. [D’argent,
 ove j. lyoun de Sable j coronee d’or.]
caption "37 Sire Robert de Morle"

Arg., a chevron between three boars’ heads Gu. [D’argent,
 ove j. cheveroun de Goules, iij. testes de sengler
 de Gules.]
caption "38 Sire Anketyn Salveyn"

Quarterly Arg. and Sa., in the first quarter a mullet
 Gu. [Quartile d’Argent et de Sable, ove j. molet
 de Goules.]
caption "39 Sire Richard de Perers"

Flory Gu. and Arg. a lion rampant Arg. (Gu., flory
 and a lion ramp. Arg.) [De Gules, ove j. lyoun d’Argent,
 flurettee d’Argent.]
caption "40 Sire Johan de Euyle"

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Notes: The original text in French is given in square brackets, the text from Greenstreet and my comments in brackets. We do not know what No 29 actually looked like.

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