Greater arms of Zapadoslavia
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quartered 1st gu a cross of lorraine arg smaller higher a trimount az 2nd az an eagle checky arg and gu crowned or armed or langued or beaked or legged or 3rd quarterly i and iv az three open crowns or ii arg an eagle az armed beaked legged or langued gu the words "O" or smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller higher higher iii az an eagle arg armed beaked legged or langued gu the words "Z" or smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller slightly higher 4th arg an eagle sa armed or langued gu beaked or legged or charged with an escutcheon smaller gu an eagle arg armed langued legged beaked or crowned or 5th or an eagle sa armed or langued gu beaked or legged or crowned or a cossack cross arg smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller higher higher higher a moon crescent arg smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller higher higher higher wider wider wider wider wider wider 6th arg a griffin rampant gu armed langued beaked or 7th az an eagle or legged beaked langued gu 8th quarterly i and iv per fess embattled azure and masoned or and sable ii and iii arg a trimount vert a Bull Statant Guardant gu lower lower; over all over all over all over all over all an escutcheon quarterly 1st and 4th gu a lion rampant tail forked saltire argent armed langued or crowned or 2nd and 3rd gu an eagle argent armed langued legged beaked or crowned or over all over all over all over all an escutcheon az on a bordure sable 8 lion head erased or and arg langued gu a slaughter axe bendwise or smaller smaller taller taller taller a slaughter axe bendwise sinister reversed or smaller smaller taller taller taller 8 roses argent seeded gu in annulo smaller smaller smaller lower closer closer lower lower closer closer smaller lower smaller closer
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- Shield Shape
- heater
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- shiny
- Palette For Heraldic Tinctures
- wikipedia
- Aspect Ratio
- 0.5

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February running costs provided by James, with thanks!

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