BLACKSMITHS OF DUBLIN, Corporation of. (Charter 14 Edward IV., 1474.) Sable, on a chevron between three hammers argent, crowned or, a dexter gauntlet between two steel gads sable. Crest — On a wreath argent and sable, a phoenix in flames of fire proper. Mantling gules, doubled argent. Supported on the sinister side by an armed man holding in his left hand a shield sable, thereon a hammer argent crowned or, and on the dexter side a dragon azure with fire issuing out of his mouth proper. Motto — " By hammer and hand all arts stand."
[Granted by Carney, Ulster, March 20, 1656.]
This grant recites that the arms, without crest and supporters or motto, may be displayed at the funerals of deceased members of the Companj-.
Original Source bookofpublicarms00foxd_djvu.txt near line 3775.
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