GERMAN EMPIRE. As usually made use of, "an eagle displayed sable, beaked and legged gules, on its breast surrounded by the collar of the Black Eagle an escocheon argent, charged with an eagle displayed sable, armed, beaked, royally crowned and with Sachsen or holding in its dexter claw a sceptre and in its sinister an orb and on its breast an inescutcheon of Hohenzollern, quarterly argent and sable." Above the eagle is the Imperial crown.
In the great shield of the Emperor the foregoing is placed upon an escocheon or, and the Collar of the Black Eagle surrounds this escocheon, and not the inner one. Upon the escutcheon is placed the Imperial crown. Supporters — On either side a wild man wreathed about the temples and waist with oak leaves and supporting banners with their exterior hands, the banners staves, and fringes or, the dexter banner argent charged with an eagle as in the arms, the sinister argent charged with an eagle displayed gules, crowned with an electoral bonnet proper, beaked, legged, and with Sachsen or, holding in its dexter claw a sceptre and in its sinister a sword proper, on its breast an inescutcheon or, charged with a lion rampant, a bordure gobony gules and argent.
Ihe pavilion is of gold, seme of eagles and Imperial crowns alternately, and lined with ermine, carrying the motto " Gott mit uns," and surmounted by the Imperial crown and the banner of sable, argent, and gules.
In the " middle " shield the pavilion is omitted and the banners in the hands of the supporters are replaced by clubs. The Crown Prince adds a bordure gules.
[Official confirmation, 3rd August 1S71.]
Original Source bookofpublicarms00foxd_djvu.txt near line 10743.

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