STORNOWAY, Incorporated Trades of.

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STORNOWAY, Incorporated Trades of. Ten coats, 3, 3, 3, and i in base, viz. : (i) azure, a hammer in pale and in chief a crown both proper, for the smiths ; (2) azure, a pair of scissors expanded in saltire, their points in chief argent, for the tailors; (3) azure, a leopard's head affront^e proper, holding a shuttle in his mouth argent for the weavers ; (4) azure, a ship ready to be launched proper, ensigned with the colours of Scotland for the ship carpenters ; (5) azure, a Wright's square and a pair of compasses, their legs interlaced proper for the Wright's ; (6) azure an axe and adze in saltire proper for the coopers ; (7) azure, a cutting knife erected, and in chief a coronet proper for the shoemakers ; (8) azure a mason's square and a pair of compasses, their legs interlaced argent, for the masons; (9) azure, a pair of large dressing-scissors, their points in chief a little expanded argent for the dyers and dressers ; (10) azure, a heckle argent for the hecklers. Ciest — Two dexter hands in fesse couped above the wrist grasping each the other proper. Motto— {Above, the crest) " Grace, Peace and Unity " ; (below the shield) " God's Providence is our inheritance." [Matriculated in Lyon Register, 29th August 1772.]

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