Kazimierz IV Andrzej Jagiellończyk (Revised)

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3 roundel gyronny of 12 or and grady in annulo orange
or stroked golden brown fimbriated dark goldenrod
2 1 much bigger much closer together
3 roundel grady in annulo az royal blue fimbriated
golden brown 2 1 bigger slightly bigger much closer
a spanish shaped escutcheon bendy sinister thorny
of 30 az and az stroked silk-blue a fillet bordure
or in chief smaller higher charged with a cross doubled
bendy sinister thorny of 30 or and or stroked dark-goldenrod
fimbriated sa much bigger higher
a upper half of a savage peach grady deep-peach armed
brunatre stroked sa in dexter chief bendwise bigger
lower slightly lower to the sinister
a upper half of a savage peach grady deep-peach armed
brunatre stroked sa in sinister chief reversed bendwise
sinister bigger lower slightly lower to the dexter
a demi laurel wreath grady vert spring green fructed
gu in chief bigger reversed bendwise rotated shewn
much to the dexter lower
a demi laurel wreath grady vert spring green fructed
gu in chief bigger bendwise sinister rotated sinister
shewn much to the sinister lower
2 Basilisk Wingless vert addorsed in base much smaller
slightly smaller very much closer together very much
closer together much lower lower slightly lower
a spanish shaped escutcheon quarterly
I gu grady in fess valentine-red an eagle arg crowned
beaked legged armed kleestengel or langued gu stroked
sa fimbriated sa slightly bigger slightly lower
II valentine-red grady in fess gu
a claymore iron grady in annulo water hilt or pomell
golden brown fesswise reversed much smaller smaller
much rotated fimbriated sa in chief slightly to the
sinister slightly lower
a arm-embowed-armoured iron fimbriated sa much rotated
sinister in chief smaller much lower lower to the
dexter slightly to the dexter
a knight-mounted arg armoured iron caparisoned az
stirruped or plumed or unguled platinum eared platinum
maned metallic silver fimbriated sa charged with
german shaped escutcheon az a bordure sa a cross
grady in annulo or golden brown fimbriated sa lower
slightly lower; much smaller slightly smaller much
rotated sinister higher slightly higher to the sinister
III checky arg gu grady in bend valentine-red a bull
head sa grady in pale taupe eyes arg horned arg maned
sa stroked mocha fimbriated sa much higher slightly
to the sinister slightly bigger
a ducal crown proper in chief smaller slightly smaller
slightly lower slightly to the sinister
a torque or grady in annulo orange stroked sa inverted
in base smaller higher slightly to the sinister
valentine-red grady in bend gu
an antique crown or grady in annulo orange in chief
very much smaller smaller slightly smaller wider
higher slightly to the sinister
a lion arg langued gu armed or wider slightly to the
dexter slightly taller
dimidiated with
or grady in bend golden brown
an antique crown or grady in annulo dark orange in
chief very much smaller smaller slightly smaller
much higher
an eagle double headed sa armed or langued beaked
gu stroked sa much bigger higher to the dexter;;
smaller slightly smaller
higher,, the shield shewn lower

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