Fish. In great variety, are met with in Coat Armour, e.g. The Whale, Salmon, Pike, etc., see P. 32. When a Fish is borne in fesse, i.e. as if swimming, it is termed Naiant ; if with the head erect, it is termeil Haurient ; if with the head downwards, Urinant. In blazoning Fish, when the fins are of a different colour to the body, they are said to be finned of such a tincture. If with their mouths open they are termed Paume, or Pame.
In the early church a fish was generally used by Christians as a symbolof their faith, the Greek word ικθυς (a fish) forming the initials of the most important titles of our blessed Lord -Ι-X-Θ-Υ-Σ- Ιηδους Χρωτος Θεου 'Υις Σωτηρ
In blazon when no particular kind is mentioned it should be drawn as P. 32. f. 19.
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