- La-fleur-du Maistre
- La-quise
- Label
- Label in fesse
- Label in fesse of three points
- Label of five points
- Label of four points
- Label of H
- Label of H
- Label of H
- Label of one point
- Label of three points crossed
- Label of three points fixed
- Label of three points issuing out of chief
- Label of three points
- Label of two points
- Label with three pomegranates pendent
- Label with three tags pendent
- Label with three bells pendent
- Label
- Labent
- Laced
- Lacs d' amour
- Lacy Knot
- Ladder-scaling
- Lady
- Lady
- Lama
- Lamb-Holy
- Lamb
- Lambeaux Cross rebated
- Lambeaux Cross
- Lambeaux per long
- Lambeaux
- Lambeauxed
- Lambel
- Lambent
- Lambrequin
- Lambrequin
- Laminated
- Lampagoe
- Lampargoe
- Lampasse
- Lampreys
- Lamps of various shapes are borne in Coat-Armour
- Lancaster Rose
- Lance
- Lancet
- Land-Tortoise
- Landscapes
- Langued
- Lantern
- Lapped
- Lapwing
- Lark
- Larmes
- Lash
- Lathing hammer
- Laths
- Latin Cross
- Lattice
- Launce
- Laurel
- Lavender
- Laver-pot
- Layer
- Layer
- Le tout de tout
- Le Bourlet
- Lead-line
- Leading-staff
- Leaf
- Leaping
- Leash
- Leash
- Leashed
- Leather Bottle
- Leaved
- Leaves
- Legged
- Legs of Men
- Legs in Armour
- Leish
- Lentally
- Leonced
- Leopard
- Leopardy
- Letters of the Greek
- Leure
- Levant
- Level-reversed
- Level
- Lever
- Leveret
- Levyd
- Lewre
- Lezard
- Libarde
- Lictor's-rod
- Lie
- Lighter
- Lily of the Flag
- Lily of the Garden
- Limb of a Tree
- Limbeck
- Lime Tree
- Limpago
- Linden
- Lined
- Lined
- Lines of Partition
- Ling
- Lingued
- Linime of a Tree
- Link
- Linked
- Links
- Linnet
- Lion Addorsed
- Lion Affrontee
- Lion Antique head erased
- Lion Antique rampant
- Lion Assis
- Lion Baillone
- Lion Blcorporated
- Lion Collared
- Lion Collared and chained
- Lion Combatant
- Lion Conjoined
- Lion Contourne
- Lion Couchant
- Lion Couee
- Lion Counter-Passant
- Lion Couped
- Lion Coward
- Lion Crowned
- Lion Debruised
- Lion Dechausse
- Lion Defamed
- Lion Demi-passant
- Lion Demi-ramp
- Lion Demi-rampant
- Lion Disjointed
- Lion Dismembered
- Lion Don-headed
- Lion Don-tailed
- Lion Dormant
- Lion Double-headed
- Lion Double queued
- Lion Dragon
- Lion Endorsed
- Lion Full-faced
- Lion Gorged with a ducal coronet
- Lion Guardant-Conjoined
- Lion Guardant
- Lion Issuant from a Chief
- Lion Issuant et issuant
- Lion Jessant and debruised fretways
- Lion Jessant and debruised with two bendlets
- Lion Leoparde
- Lion Marine
- Lion Morne
- Lion Naissant from a fesse
- Lion of England
- Lion Of St
- Lion Passant guardant
- Lion Passant reguardant
- Lion Passant
- Lion Poisson
- Lion Rampant
- Lion Rampant guardant
- Lion Rampant reguardant
- Lion Rampant tail nowed
- Lion Rampant
- Lion Salient
- Lion Sea
- Lion Sejant
- Lion Sejant-Contourne
- Lion Sejant-extended
- Lion Sejant-guardant
- Lion Sejant-rampant
- Lion Sejant
- Lion Sept-Insular
- Lion Statant guardant
- Lion Statant tail extended
- Lion Statant winged
- Lion Statant
- Lion Tail forked
- Lion Tail no wed
- Lion Tricorporathd
- Lion Winged
- Lion with Human-face
- Lion
- Lionced
- Lioncel
- Lionne
- Lion's-Gambe
- Lion's Head Erased
- Lion's Head Couped
- Lion's Tail
- Lion's Head Affrontee
- Lis
- Liston
- Lists
- Litre
- Litvit's Skin
- Livery-Colours
- Lizard
- Lizard or Lezard
- Lizare
- Loach
- Lobster
- Loch
- Lochabar-axe
- Lock
- Lockets
- Lodged
- Log-line
- Lolling
- London
- Long-Bow
- Long-Cross
- Long-Per
- Looking-glass
- Looking back
- Loop-holes
- Looring-Tonges
- Lopped
- Lord
- Lorrain Cross
- Lotus flower
- Lou
- Loup-Cervier
- Love Knot
- Lowered
- Lozenge fleury
- Lozenge in Point
- Lozenge
- Lozengee
- Lozenges
- Lozenges in Cross
- Lozenges conjoined
- Lozengeways
- Lozengie
- Lozengy-Barry bendy
- Lozengy-Barry
- Lozengy-Cross
- Lozengy-Masculy
- Lozengy-paly-bendy
- Luce
- Lumieres
- Lumphad
- L'un sur l'autre
- L'un En l'autre
- Luna
- Lunel
- Lupar
- Lure in
- Lure
- Lute
- Lutra
- Lybbard
- Lylye
- Lymphad with sails furled
- Lymphad with oars
- Lymphad
- Lynx
- Lyon King of Arms
- Lyon
- Lyre
- Lys
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