- R
- Rabbit
- Raccourcy
- Rack-Pole-Beacon
- Radiant and Radiated
- Radiant
- Radiated Crown
- Radiated
- Ragged-staff
- Ragged
- Ragulee
- Raguly-staff
- Raguly
- Rainbow
- Raioxee
- Rake-head
- Rake
- Ram
- Rame
- Rampande
- Rampant
- Rampant
- Rampee
- Ramping
- Ram's head affrontee or Cabossed
- Ram's head erased
- Rangant
- Range
- Rapier
- Rapin
- Rased
- Rasie
- Rasyd
- Rat
- Ratch-hound
- Raven
- Ravissant
- Rayon
- Rayonnant
- Rayonne
- Rays Illuminated
- Rays issuing from dexter chief point
- Rays
- Razed
- Razor-bill
- Reaping-hook
- Rear-mouse
- Rearing
- Rebated
- Rebatement
- Rebending
- Rebent
- Reboundant
- Rebus
- Recercellee
- Reclinant
- Recopyd
- Recoupee
- Recourcie
- Recourse
- Recroise
- Recrossed
- Recrossettee
- Rect
- Recumbent
- Recursant displayed
- Recursant Overture
- Recursant Volant
- Recursant Volant
- Recursant Volant
- Recursant
- Recurvant
- Red
- Red Cross
- Redout
- Reed
- Reeds
- Reel
- Reflected
- Regalla
- Regardande
- Regardant
- Reguardant reversed
- Reguardant
- Regule
- Rein-deer
- Rein-deer's head cabosscid
- Rein-guard
- Relief
- Remora
- Removed
- Rempli
- Rencontre
- Rending
- Renverse
- Repassant
- Replenished
- Reposing
- Reptiles
- Rere-mouse
- Resarcelee
- Resignant
- Respectant
- Resplendent
- Rest
- Rest
- Resting
- Restriall
- Retaille
- Retierce
- Retorted
- Retracted
- Retranche
- Reverberant
- Reversed-endorsed
- Reversed
- Reversie
- Revertant
- Revestu
- Reveyns
- Reynard
- Rhinoceros
- Riband
- Ribbon
- Ring
- Ringant
- Ringdove
- Rings-interlaced
- Rising
- Rizom
- Roach
- Robe of Estate
- Robe of Parliament
- Robe
- Robin
- Rock
- Rod of Esculapius
- Roe
- Roelee
- Roll of Arms
- Roll of Parchment
- Roll
- Roman Fasces
- Roman Lamp
- Roman pilum
- Roman soldier
- Roman &
- Rompe
- Rondeus
- Roofed
- Rook
- Root of a Tree couped and erased
- Root
- Rope-Hook
- Rope tassel and ring
- Rope
- Rosary
- Rose
- Rose
- Rose and Thistle conjoined
- Rose and Thistle conjoined and imperially crowned
- Rose-en-Soleil
- Rose Heraldic P
- Rose-leaf
- Rose
- Roselettes
- Rosemary
- Rostral Crown
- Rouge-Croix
- Rouge-Dragon
- Round-pierced
- Round Tops of Masts
- Roundelly
- Roundles counterchanged
- Roundles
- Rousant
- Row-gally
- Rowan-tree
- Rowel
- Rowle
- Rowsand
- Rowsing
- Rowt
- Royal-Arms
- Royal Cadency
- Royal Crown
- Royal Eagle
- Royal Navy
- Royal Red Cross
- Royal Robe
- Royal Tent
- Royal Antler
- Royalty
- Royne
- Roys
- Ruby
- Rudder of a Ship
- Ruddock
- Rue Crown
- Rue
- Ruffles
- Rule
- Rules of Blazon
- Rundles
- Rushes
- Russet
- Rustre
- Ruther
- Rye
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