Plate 42.

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Plate 42.

Plate 42.

Plate 42.

  1. A Heart ; and a Hart vulned
  2. Heart pierced ; a Heart enfiled with ducal coronet
  3. Heart flamant ; a Heart ensigned and transfixed
  4. A Dexter, hand erect betw. two stalks of Wheat flexed in Saltire, issuing from a heart all ppr. in the hand a book shut sa. garnished or. Crest of Higginson
  5. Heart winged
  6. Heart betw. two wings
  7. A Key ensigned ; and a Key enfiled
  8. A Key ; and a Key with double wards
  9. Two Keys in Saltire
  10. Two Keys endorsed bows interlaced
  11. Cross of Keys double claved
  12. Two Keys endorsed in bend Sinister bows interlaced with a Sword interposed in bend
  13. Two Padlocks and a Door Lock
  14. A Staple ; a Door joint ; Hinge ; Two Staples interlaced ; and a door Bolt
  15. A Demi belt erased betw. four buckles - see Buckle
  16. Half-belt and four, buckles - see Buckle
  17. A Garter
  18. Demi-Garter, or Perclose
  19. Bottle Leathern
  20. Water Bougets. See Dictionary
  21. Water Bougets. See Dictionary
  22. Water Bougets. See Dictionary
  23. Water Bougets. See Dictionary
  24. Water Bougets. See Dictionary
  25. A Covered Cup
  26. Chalice ; and a Cup, or Goblet
  27. Ewer's or Laver-Pots
  28. Tailors bodkin ; and a Sledge
  29. Penny-yard pence or penny ; An Iron Ring. A Peg Top ; and Star-pagodas
  30. Pentagon
  31. A Chain enarched ; a circular chain; and Circular chain within another
  32. Slav, Slea, or Reed ; and a playing Table
  33. Copper cake ; a Point ; and Draw-iron
  34. A Delf; a Billet, and a Billet wavy; and a Flagstone
  35. A Gad ; and a triangular Gad ; this is also termed a Demi lozenge, it is also blazoned a Steel Gad
  36. Copper ; and Engrossing-block
  37. Mound
  38. Triangular Fret
  39. Swivels, or Manacles
  40. Shackbolt ; and Double Shackbolt, also termed Handcuffs
  41. Rosary ; a Patermoster ; and Scourge with three lashes
  42. Escallop ; Escallop reversed ; and a Vannet
  43. Pilgrims Staffs. The first one is sometimes called a Pike-staff
  44. Palmer's Stalls
  45. A Priors Staff as in the arms of Malton Priory ; and a Crosier
  46. A Pastoral Staif. A Crosier-Case, and a Pastoral Staff with Banderole, or Orarium
  47. Two Sceptres in Saltire traversed by a Sword in Pale point upwards
  48. Papal Staff
  49. Block-Brush ; and a Broom, or Besom
  50. Trepan ; and Spatula
  51. Scalpel or Lancet; and a Bistoury
  52. Fanged Tooth; a Jaw-bone; and Shin-bones
  53. Tomb-stone
  54. Tomb-stone arraswise
  55. Fountain of two basins
  56. Rock or Mountain
  57. Mountain enflamed. Crest of Grant
  58. Three Hills, as in the arms of Brinckman
  59. Islands
  60. Calamine-Stone; a Mole-hill, Hillock, or Mount ; and a Flint-stone
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