SPANISH MERCHANTS, Company of. Azure in base a sea, with a dolphin's head appearing in the water all proper, on the sea a ship of three masts, in full sail, all or, the sail and rigging argent, on each a cross gules, in the dexter chief point the sun in splendour, in the sinister chief point an estoile of the third ; on a chief of the fourth, a cross of the fifth, charged with the lion of England. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, two arms embowed issuing out ol clouds all proper, holding in the hands a globe or. Supporters — Two seahorses argent, finned or.
[Recorded in the College of Arms.]
Original Source bookofpublicarms00foxd_djvu.txt near line 24259.
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February running costs provided by James, with thanks!
![Coffee and cake](/img/karl-at-work.jpg)
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