The Newcastle Armorial (Boroughbridge Roll) 1319 Part 2 of 6

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    a roll with 5 columns
background bisque
title "The Newcastle Armorial (Boroughbridge Roll)
 1319 Part 2 of 6"
[From Greenstreet 1884 The Genealogist Vol 1 pp 51-54
 & 117-121 & Vol 2 pp 30-33 7 98-103 & Clemmensen 2016]

Arg., a cross flory Gu. [D’argent ove j. croiz ...
 flurette de Gules.]
caption "41 Sire William Trussel"

Argent  a chevron  Gules  a bordure Sable bezanty
 (Arg., a chevron Gu. within a bordure Sa. bezantee.)
 [D’argent, ove j. cheveroun de Gules, ove la bordure
 de Sable besaunte d’Or.]
caption "42 Sire Johan de Bavent"

Azure semy of scallops Argent a lion rampant gardant
 Argent (Az., semy of escallops and a lion rampant
 gardant Arg.) [D’azur, ove j. leopard d’Argent,
 poudree des escalopes.]
caption "43 Sire Richard de Houland"

Gu., a cross patonce Or, overall on a label Sa. a
 martlet Arg.(Gu, a cross patonce Or, and on a label
 of three pendants Sa. a martlet Arg.) [Les armes Latymer,
 ove j. label de Sable, ove j. merlot d’Argent.]
caption "44 Sire William Latymer, Bochard"

Sa., a cross engrailed Or. [De Sable, ... engrele
caption "45 Sire Robert Dufford"

Arg., three escutcheons Gu. (Arg., three inescutcheons
 Gu.) [D’argent, ove iij. escuchuns de Gules.]
caption "46 Sire Bertholomew Davelers"

Sa., a cross patonce Arg., within a bordure indented
 Or. [De Sable, ove j. croiz patee d’Argent, la bordure
 endentee d’or.]
caption "47 Sire Bertholomew de ffanaucourt"

Gu., a cross patonce Or [De Gules ove la croiz pate
caption "48 Sire William Latymer, Baneret"

Crusilly Gu. and Arg. and a bend Arg. (Gu., crusilly
 and a bend Arg.) [De Gules, ove j. bende d’Argent,
 croiselee d’Argent.]
caption "49 Sire William Hauwarde"

Gu., a label Sa. [De Gules, ove j. lebel de Sable.]
caption "50 Sire Thomas Buchard"

Gu. a fess between six martlets Or a bordure indented
 Arg. [De Gules, ove j. fesse vj. marles d’Or, la
 bordure endente d’Argent.]
caption "51 Sire Gyles de Beauchamp"

Gu., on a cross patonce Or five maunches in cross
 gules shown much smaller shown much further apart
 (Gu., on a cross patonce Or five maunches of the field.)
 [De Gules, ove la croiz patee d’Or, ove les manches
 de Gules.]
caption "52 Sire Waryn de Latymer"

Or, a maunch Gu. [D’or, la maunche de Gules.]
caption "53 Le Seigneur de Hastinge	s"

Crusilly Az., and Or, a lion rampant gardant Arg.
 (Az., crusilly Or, a lion rampant gardant Arg.) [D’Azur,
 ove j. lypard d’Argent, poudree des croi- seletz
caption "54 Sire Robert de Dalton"

Arg., on a bend Sa. cotised four mullets Or, and over
 all on an escutcheon Barry Or and Gu on a chief tierced
 in pale Or paly
 of 9 Or and Gu; and Or  2 gyrons Gu over
 all an inescutcheon Arg  (Arg., on a bend cotised
 Sa. four mullets Or, and over all on an inescutcheon
 the Arms of Mortimer.) [D’argent, ove j. bende de
 Sable, ove iiij. moles d’Or, ove iij. ? error for
 ij. coutys de Sable, ove j. escuchoun les armes le
caption "55 Sire Hugh de Turpington"

Or, a saltire engrailed Sa. and a label Gu.. [D’or,
 ove j. sauter de Sable en- grelee, ove j. label de
caption "56 Sire Thomas Bouttour"

Crusilly Sa. and Arg. a lion rampant Arg.  (Sa., crusilly
 and a lion ramp. Arg.) [De Sable, ove j. lyoun d’Argent,
 croiselee d’Argent.]
caption "57 Sire Geffrey Hauteville"

Gu. a chevron Arg. in first quarter 3 cross patty
 Arg. shown much smaller in 2nd quarter 3 cross patty
 Arg. shown much smaller in base 4 cross patty Arg.
 two and two shown much closer together shown much
 lower (Gu a mermaid or - Gu., “queyntee de la mermounde.”
 I cannot explain this blazon. See the term “queynty”
 in N° 29. - Blazon given is for same person in other
 sources) [De Gules, queyntee de la mermounde.]
caption "58 Sire Thomas de Berkele"

Fretty Gu. and Arg. and a label Az. (Gu., frettee
 Arg. and a label of three pendants Az.) [De Goules,
 frettee d’ Argent, ove j. label d’Azur.]
caption "59 Sire Adam de Hodelston"

Gu., a cross patonce Or and a label flory Az. and
 Or. (Gu., a cross patonce Or and a label of three
 pendants Az. flory of the 2nd.) [De Goules, ove la
 croiz patee d’Or, ove j. label de flraunce.]
caption "60 Johan de Latymer"

Fretty Sa. and Or and a label Arg.(Sa., frettee Or
 and a label of three pendants Arg.) [De Sable, frettee
 d’Or, label d’Argent.]
caption "61 Sire Johan de Mautravers"

Sa., a bend engrailed Or. [De Sable, ove j. bend engrelé
caption "62 Sire William de Wytfeld"

Sa., a cross passant Arg. [De Sable, ove j. croiz
caption "63 Sire William de Brom"

Arg., a fess double cotised gules (Arg., a fess betw.
 two bars gemelles Gu.) [D’argent, ove j. fesse et
 ij. gemel’ de Gules.]
caption "64 Sire Bertholomew de Badlesmer’, a Baner’"

Gu., a fess between three escallops Arg. [De Gules,
 ove j. fesse et iij. escalop’ d’Argent.]
caption "65 Sire Rauf de Saint Louh"

Gu., a fess Or and on a chief gules three roundles
 Or. (Gu., a fess and in chief three roundles Or.)
 [De Gules, ove j. fesse et iij. besauntz d’Or en
caption "66 Sire Johan Gobaud"

Arg., an eagle displayed Sa. [D’argent, ove j. egle
 de Sable.]
caption "67 Sire Johan be Strutheleye"

Crusilly Arg., and Sa. and a lion rampant Sa.(Arg.,
 crusilly and a lion ramp. Sa.) [D’argent, ove j.
 lyoun de Sable, croisele de Sable.]
caption "68 Sire William Bukemynster"

Per pale Gu. and Az., a lion rampant Ermine, and a
 label Or. [Partie de Gules et d’Azur, ove j. lyoun
 d’Ermyne, label d’Or]
caption "69 Sire Johan de Northwyk’"

Paly wavy of six Or and Gu., a label Arg. [Undee d’Or
 et de Gules, ove j. label d’Argent.]
caption "70 Sire Henry de Valoyns"

Gu., a cross patonce Or, and over all a bend flory
 Az. and Or (Gu., a cross patonce Or, and over all
 a bend Az. flory of the 2nd.) [De Gules, ove j. croiz
 patee d’Or, ove j. Bend de ffraunce.]
caption "71. Sire Nicholas Latymer"

Gu., a lion rampant tail forked Or. [De Gules, ove
 j. lyoun d’Or, ove la couwe fourchée.]
caption "72. Sire Bartholomew de Borways"

Gu., a fess between six mullets Arg. [De Gules, ove
 j. fesse et vj. moles d’Argent.]
caption "73. Sire Bertholomew de Assebourneham"

Az., a bend Arg. between six lions rampant Or. [Les
 armes le Counte de Herford sauve les ij. coutys d’Or.]
caption "74. Sire Edmond de Boun"

Arg., two bars Gu. in chief two roundels Gu. shown
 smaller shown higher a roundel in base Gu. shown smaller
 overall a bend Sa.   (Arg., two bars betw. three,
 roundles Gu., and over all a baston Sa.) [D’argent,
 ove ij. barres et iij. pelotz de Gules, ove j. bastoun
 de Sable.]
caption "75. Sire Wauter de Thurkingham"

Az., in dexter chief a martlet Or. a cross flory (Az.,
 a cross flory and in the dexter chief a martlet Or.)
 [D’azur, ove j. croiz flurette d’Or ove un merlot
 d’Or en le quarter.]
caption "76. Sire Walter de Pavely"

Or, on a bend Sa. three mullets Arg., and in the sinister
 chief a martlet Gu. [D’or, ove j. bende Sable, iij.
 moles d’Argent, j. merlot de Gules]
caption "77. Sire Johan Hothom"

Ermine, two bars Gu. [D’ermine, ove ij. fesses de
caption "78. Sire Roger Maudyut"

Per pale Or and Gu., a lion passant gardant Arg. [Un
 escu partie d’Or et de Gules, ove j. lyoun d’Argent]

caption "79. Sire Richard de Plays"

Sa., a chevron between three escallops Arg. [De Sable,
 ove j. cheveroun et iij. escales d’Argent.]
caption "80. Sire Johan de Wolaston"

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Notes: The original text in French is given in square brackets, the text from Greenstreet and my comments in brackets. We do not know what No 58 actually looked like.

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