Bar, or Barr. One of the sub-ordinaries containing a fifth of the shield, and may be borne in any part of it. P. 5, f. 1.
Two or more bars are frequently borne on thesame field, as two bars, P. 5, f . 2, three bars, f. 7. The diminutives of the bar are the Closet, which is half the bar, as f. 3, three Closets, f. 4, and the Barrulet, which is half the Closet ; when these diminutives are placed two and two in a Shield they are called Barsgemel, f. 5 and 6. When one or more Barrulets are placed on each side of a Fesse ; the Fesse is said to be Cottised, as P. 5, f. 9, 10, and 11.
These are all subject to the accidental formsof lines as engrailed, embattled, florv, etc. See f. 14, 15, 16, and 17.
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