Fleur-de-lis, contracted de-lis. Also termed Flower-de-luce ; is variously depicted, but most commonly as P. 44, f. 7. Antique as f. 12.
As to its origin antiquaries are at variance,some supposing it to be the flower of the iris, others that of the common lily, whose name " lys " has a certain resemblance to that of Loys, or Louis, a common name of the Kings of France, while a third party, with perhaps more probability, suppose it to be the head of a partizan, or halbert. When the field, or any charge, is promiscuously scattered over with de-lys-, it is termed strewed, powdered, or replenished with fleur-de-lis ; or it is said to be Semee-de-lis. P. 1. f. 38.
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