Anchor, (fr. ancre): this is frequently used as a charge, or crest, emblematical of hope, or of naval service. In old examples it is not unfrequently ringed at the point as well as at the head The parts are thus named: the shank or beam(fr. stangue): the stock, timber, or cross-piece(fr. trabe): the cable(fr. gumène): and the fluke(fr. patte). In some coats the anchor has a chain attached instead of a cable.
Argent, an anchor sable--SKIPTON.
Gules, an anchor argent, the ring or--ZACHERT.
Gules, an anchor argent, the stock or--GOADEFROY.
Azure, a lion rampant supporting a cabled anchor or; on a chief wavy .... --RICHARDSON.
Argent, an anchor erect(without a stock) proper, environed on the centre with the letter C or--CLEMENTS INN.
An anchor between two smaller ones, within the beam and fluke--Seal of NAVY OFFICE. [See also MARINERS' Company, Newcastle-on-Tyne, under Whistle.]
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