- Habergeon
- Habick
- Habille
- Habited
- Hache
- Haddock
- Hafted
- Haie
- Hair
- Hake
- Halbert
- Hame
- Hamecon
- Hameide
- Hammer
- Hanchet
- Hand basket
- Hand bow
- Hand cuff
- Hand grenade
- Hand saw
- Hand
- Hanger
- Hank
- Hare
- Hareng
- Harnysed
- Harp
- Harpoon
- Harpy
- Harringtons knot
- Harrow
- Hart
- Harvest fly
- Hat
- Hatchet
- Hatchments
- Hauberk
- Haurient
- Hausse
- Haut
- Hautboy
- Hawk
- Hawmed
- Hawthorn
- Hay fork
- Hay hook
- Hazel
- Head
- Headpiece
- Heart
- Heath cock
- Heaume
- Hedgehog
- Heights
- Heliotrope
- Helmet
- Helved
- Hemisphere
- Hemp break
- Hen
- Heneages knot
- Herald
- Heraldry
- Heraud
- Hercules
- Herisson
- Herissonne
- Hermine
- Heron
- Heronshaw
- Herring
- Herse
- Hersee
- Hew
- Heydodde
- Hibou
- Hie
- Hill
- Hilt
- Hind
- Hinge
- Hirondelle
- Hog
- Hogsheads
- Holly
- Holy lamb
- Homme darmes
- Hone stone
- Honeysuckle
- Honour point
- Honoured
- Hood
- Hoofed
- Hook
- Hooped
- Hop
- Hopper
- Hopping
- Horeler
- Horn
- Horned
- Hornet
- Horns of animals
- Horse fly
- Horse leech
- Horse picker
- Horse shoe
- Horse
- Hose
- Houce des armes
- Houlette
- Hound
- Hour glass
- House fly
- House leak
- Housing
- Housse
- Housseau
- Houx
- Hovering
- Howdah
- Huchet
- Huit
- Huitfoil
- Hulk
- Hulotte
- Human figure
- Human skull
- Humetty
- Hunting horn
- Huppe
- Hure
- Hurst
- Hurt
- Husked
- Hyacinth
- Hydra
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