- Cabled
- Caboshed
- Cabre
- Cadency
- Caduceus
- Calamine stone
- Calf
- Caltrap
- Calvary
- Camel
- Cameleon
- Camelopardel
- Campaned
- Canary
- Candlestick
- Cannele
- Cannet
- Cannon
- Canting arms
- Canton
- Cantoned
- Cap
- Caparison
- Capital
- Capon
- Cappeline
- Carbuncle
- Card for wool
- Cards
- Careering
- Carnation
- Carp
- Carpenters square
- Carreau
- Carter fish
- Cartouche
- Cartwheel
- Casque
- Castle
- Cat
- Caterfoil
- Cathedral
- Catherine wheel
- Caude
- Cauldron
- Cautel
- Cave
- Cedar
- Censer
- Centaur
- Centre point
- Cercele
- Cercle
- Chabot
- Chafant
- Chaffinch
- Chain shot
- Chain
- Chair
- Chalice
- Chamber piece
- Chameleon
- Chamfrain
- Champagne
- Champaine
- Champion
- Chape
- Chapeau
- Chapel
- Chaperonne
- Chaplet
- Chapourne
- Charboucle
- Charge
- Charity
- Chart
- Chased
- Chastel
- Chataignier
- Chatele
- Chaudiere
- Chause
- Chausse trap
- Chequy
- Cherry
- Cherub
- Chess rook
- Cheval trap
- Chevalier
- Chever
- Cheverons
- Cheville
- Chevron
- Chevronel
- Chevronelly
- Chevronny
- Cheyne
- Chief
- Chieftain
- Child
- Chimera
- China cokar
- Chisel
- Chough
- Chub
- Church bell
- Church
- Churn
- Cimier
- Cinabar
- Cinnamon
- Cinquefoil
- Circle of glory
- Citadel
- City
- Civet
- Civic crown
- Civic mace
- Clacks
- Clam
- Clapper
- Clarenceux
- Clarine
- Clarion
- Clasp
- Claws
- Claymore
- Cleche
- Clenched
- Cleyed
- Clock
- Close
- Closet
- Closing tongs
- Cloth
- Clothiers implements
- Clouds
- Cloue
- Clove
- Clover leaf
- Cloyshacke
- Club
- Cluster of grapes
- Clymant
- Coach
- Coal pick
- Coambulant
- Coat of arms
- Cob fish
- Cock
- Cockatrice
- Cockerel
- Cockle shell
- Cocoa nut
- Cod
- Coeur
- Cog
- Cognizance
- Cointise
- Cokar
- Cold wells
- Coler
- Collar of ss
- Collar point
- Collar
- Collared
- College of arms
- College pots
- College
- Collying
- Colours
- Colt
- Columbine
- Column
- Comb
- Combatant
- Combed
- Combel
- Comet
- Commisse
- Compartment
- Compasses
- Complement
- Compony
- Composed arms
- Conche
- Cone
- Coney
- Confronting
- Congers
- Conjoined
- Contourne
- Contrary conyd
- Contre hermine
- Contre trevis
- Contre
- Coot
- Copper
- Coquilles
- Corbie
- Cord
- Cordals
- Cordon
- Cormorant
- Corn
- Corner
- Cornet
- Cornish chough
- Coronel
- Coronet
- Cotoye
- Cottices
- Cotton
- Couchant
- Couched
- Coue
- Coulisse
- Coulter
- Counter compony
- Counter embattled
- Counter vair
- Counter
- Coupe
- Couped
- Couple close
- Courant
- Cousu
- Covered pots
- Cow
- Coward
- Crab
- Cradle
- Cramp
- Crampet
- Crampiron
- Crancelin
- Crane
- Crenelly
- Crequer plant
- Crescent
- Cresset
- Crest
- Crested
- Crevice
- Cri di guerre
- Crible
- Crickets
- Crined
- Cripping iron
- Critched
- Croaking
- Crocodile
- Croise
- Croissant
- Croix
- Cronel
- Crook
- Crosier
- Cross
- Crossed
- Crouch
- Crow
- Crown
- Crucifix
- Crusily
- Crusule
- Crutch
- Crystals
- Cubes
- Cubit arm
- Cuffed
- Cuirass
- Culter
- Culverin
- Cummin
- Cup
- Cuppa
- Cuppules
- Curlew
- Curriers shave
- Curry comb
- Curved recurved
- Cushion
- Cutlas
- Cutting knife
- Cyclamor
- Cygnet
- Cypress
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