- Rabbit
- Raccourcie
- Rack
- Radiant
- Raft
- Ragged staff
- Ragged
- Raguly
- Rainbow
- Raisin
- Rake
- Ram
- Rame
- Rampant
- Random
- Range
- Rangier
- Raphael
- Rapier
- Rapin
- Rased
- Rat
- Ratch hound
- Rateau
- Raven
- Ravissant
- Ray
- Rayonnant
- Razorbill
- Reaping hook
- Rearing
- Rebated
- Rebatements
- Rebent
- Reboundy
- Rebus
- Recercele
- Recouped
- Recoursy
- Recrossed
- Recursant
- Recurvant
- Red
- Redorte
- Reed
- Reeds
- Reel
- Reflected
- Regalia
- Regardant
- Reindeer
- Remora
- Removed
- Rempli
- Rencontre
- Renne
- Renoue
- Repassant
- Replenished with
- Reptiles
- Reremouse
- Reseau
- Resignant
- Respectant
- Rest
- Retrait
- Revers
- Reversed
- Revertant
- Reynard
- Rhinoceros
- Riband
- Rigging
- Rimmed
- Ring dove
- Ring
- Ringed
- Rising
- River
- Rizom
- Roach
- Robe
- Robin redbreast
- Roc
- Rock
- Roe buck
- Roel
- Roll
- Rolls
- Rompu
- Ronant
- Rondel
- Rondeus
- Rook
- Rope hook
- Rosary
- Rose
- Roue
- Rouge croix
- Rouge
- Rouke
- Rounded
- Roundles
- Rousant
- Rouvre
- Rowan tree
- Rowel
- Royal exchange
- Ruby
- Ruche
- Rudder
- Ruffled
- Ruins
- Rundles
- Rushes
- Russet
- Rustre
- Rye
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