Coot, or Baldcoot: amongst the family of the Rails(rallidœ) the Coot(fulica atra) and the Moor-hen(gallinula chloropus) alone are found on coats of arms.
Argent, three coots proper--COOTE, Lincoln.
Argent, a chevron between three coots sable--SOUTHCOTE, Devon.
Sable, a bend between six baldcoots or--BOULCOTT, Hereford.
Gules, on a bend argent three baldcoots sable, beaked and legged of the first, in the sinister chief a unicorn's head erased as the second--MARSDEN, Manchester.
Argent, a chevron between three moor-hens ... LUXMOORE, Devon.
Borne also by families of COOLIN, KILBURNE, &c.
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