
Faggot: This was borne by the now extinct Company of WOODMONGERS, of London, as shewn in the margin, and very similar to the bundle of laths, q.v., so much so that in a Cottonian MS. the arms are blazoned as charges with a bundle of laths vert. In another coat of arms the faggots are sometimes blazoned as the military fascines.
Gules, a sword erect argent, hilt and pommel or, enfiled with a ducal coronet of the last between two flaunches of the second, each charged with a faggot proper; [elsewhere blazoned, argent, a chevron sable between faggots of the second]--WOODMONGERS' Company, London, 1716.
Argent, on a chevron between three bundles of faggots(or fascines) sable as many bezants--STALWORTH.
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