Gad: A plate of steel for hammering iron upon, borne by the London Company of IRONMONGERS, and represented as in the margin.

Argent, on a chevron gules three swivels or(the middle one paleways, the other two with the line of the chevron) between three steel gads azure--IRONMONGERS' Company[Incorp. 1463, but arms granted 1435, and confirmed 1530.]
Another form is borne by a Lincolnshire family, and has been blazoned sometimes as a demi-lozenge.
Argent, a chevron between three steel-gads sable--BELLESBY, or BILLESBY, of Bylesby.
As said before under delf, there is great laxity in the blazon of charges of this shape, and the same arms are variously described.
Argent, three gads[or billets, or delves] sable--Richard GADDES.
Ermine, on a chief gules two gads[or billets] engrailed or--WATTYS.
Or, a fesse wavy between three gads[or delves] sable--STANFORD.
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