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Gambe, or Jambe: the leg of a beast. If couped or erased at the middle joint it is not a jambe but a paw, as in the example given under Seal, q.v.


Or, a lion's jambe inverted and erased in bend gules--POWIS.

Gules, three lion's jambes erased and inverted argent--NEWDIGATE, Surrey.

Azure, a lion's gamb erased in fesse between two chains or; on a canton of the last a rose gules barbed and seeded proper--Brian DUPPA, Bp. of Chichester, 1638; of Salisbury, 1641; of Winchester, 1660-62.

Argent, a lion's gamb erased in bend sinister, claw in base, sable; a canton gules--RIGAUD.

Azure, two lion's gambs issuing out of the base of the escutcheon, and forming a chevron argent; between the gambs a fleur-de-lis or--CHIPPENDALE, Leicester.

Azure, on a bend between six mullets or, a bear's gamb couped at the knee sable--BRETORON.

Gules, on a bend argent three lion's paws erased azure--SPARMAN, Suffolk.

Sable, a maunch argent within a bordure or, charged with eight pairs of lion's paws saltireways erased gules--Philip WHARTON.

Monsire Thomas de VERDON, port sable, a une lyon dargent; en le paw de lyon une rouke de gules--Roll, temp. ED. III.

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