Rowel of a spur(fr. molette). As already pointed out under Mullet, in the ancient rolls the word rowel seems to be identical with it, and that again to be interchangeable with estoile. In taking the five rolls of arms which have been chiefly made use of in exhibiting the ancient examples, namely, (a) the Roll of Henry III. in the Royal College of Arms, (b) that preserved in a copy by Leland and similar to that in the Harleian Collection, (c) the Roll of the siege of Carlaverock, and(d) the Rolls of Edw. II., and (e) of Edw. III., the number of instances of the use of the three terms are as follows:--
| Rowel. |Estoile.| Mullet. Henry III. (R. C. A.) .. .. .. | -- | 1 | 4 Henry III. (Harl. or Leland) .. .. | 5 | -- | 2 Carlaverock .. .. .. | -- | 2 | 5 Edw. II. .. .. .. .. .. | 9 | -- | 51 Edw. III. .. .. .. .. .. | -- | 1 | 32 |--------+--------+-------- | 14 | 4 | 94 |==========================
As the rolls represent the chief families, many names being repeated in two or three of the rolls, the unequal distribution points to the somewhat arbitrary use of the three terms, though, as will be observed, the term mullet is not only the most frequently used, but is the only term common to all five rolls. The examples also shew that the terms mullet and rowel seem to be used indiscriminately in respect of the same families. There does not seem to be sufficient evidence that the difference in the terms used is at all due to the fact of the charge being pierced or not(see under Mullet pierced), though the ancient rowel probably was always so represented. See Spur-rowel.
Gauter BERTANT, pale dor et de goules a une cauntel dazur a une rouel dargent--Roll, temp. HEN. III.
Sire Johan de ASCHEBORNHAM, de goules, a une fesse e 6 rouwels de argent--Roll, temp. ED. II.
John de SEIN JOHN, dargent a chef de goules a deux roueles dor un vers chef--Roll, temp. HEN. III.
Sire Johan de SEIN JOHAN, de argent od le chef de goules a ij moles de or--Roll, temp. ED. II.
Li preus Johans de SAINT JOHAN .. Ki sur touz ses guarnemens blancs Et chief rouge ot de or deus molectes. Roll of Carlaverock.

Argent, on a chief gules, two mullets of eleven points or, pierced vert--John de SAINT JOHN[glass at Dorchester, Oxfordshire].
John de PLESCY, dargent a treis molettes de goules perces--Another Roll, temp. HEN. III.
Sire Hue de PLECY, de argent a vj rouwels de goules--Roll, temp. ED. II.
Sire Hugh de CULY, de argent a un cheveron e iij rouwels de goules--Ibid.
Monsire Hugh de CUILLY, port dargent, a une cheveron de sable entre trois mullets de sable--Roll, temp. ED. III.
Sire Johan de CRETINGE, de argent, a un cheveron e iij rouwels de goules--Roll, temp. ED. II.
Monsire de CRETINGE[port d'argent a une cheveron de gules] a trois mullets gules percées--Roll, temp. ED. III. [Ibid. in the Roll of Carlaverock].
The modern term 'spur-rowel' is occasionally employed.
Argent, two spur-rowels in chief pierced of the field, and a spear's head in base azure--AUCHMUTY.
The term roelé in the arms of Rauf de GORGES has been thought to mean a whirlpool(see Gurges), but by a roll temp. ED. II. it would appear the family bore mascles.
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