Surmounted by

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Surmounted by


Surmounted by: a term used when a bearing is placed over another of a different tincture. In cases where more than one ordinary or charge is surmounted by another, the term Over all, q.v., must be used. It is needful to mark the distinction between surmounted and charged, which will appear from the arms of DYXTON. If the pile had been charged with the chevron, the latter would not have extended beyond the bounds of the former. The term may also be rightly used of two charges placed in saltire to denote the uppermost one. (See under Mace, Scythe, &c.) Debruised, q.v., has also a similar meaning to surmounted, and is frequently used, as also the terms depressed and oppressed.


Sable, a pile argent, surmounted by a chevron gules--DYXTON.

Gules, a cross patonce or, surmounted of a bend azure semy of fleurs-de-lys of the second--HUGH LATIMER, Bp. of Worcester, 1535-39.

Gules, a chevron chequy or and azure surmounted by a bend ermine--HANSTED.

Argent, a fir-tree growing out of a mount vert in base, surmounted by a sword in bend proper; on a dexter canton azure a royal crown proper--GREG, co. Chester.

Gules, a fesse argent surmounted by a chevron azure[From Burke's Armory]. Gules, a fesse argent, over all a chevron azure[From Papworth's Ordinary]--BROADHURST.

The above being the correct signification of the term it must not be overlooked that it is sometimes used irregularly for describing one charge above, i.e. in chief of, another, and this is especially the case in modern French heraldry, when surmonté or sommé de is very frequently, if not always, used with this signification. The terms brochant(or bronchant) sur le tour are more usually employed by French heralds for the true signification of surmounted by. (See Over all.)

Argent, a heart gules, surmounted by[should be ensigned with] a regal crown, on a chief azure three mullets argent--DOUGLAS. [From Burke's Illustrations.]

Per chevron argent and gules three skenes surmounted with as many wolf's heads[better, 'on the point of each a wolf's head'] counterchanged--SKENE, Newtile, Scotland. [From Burke's Armory.]

Gules, a castle surmounted with a tower argent; in base a lion passant gardant or--City of NORWICH. [From Papworth's Ordinary.]

De gueules, au chêne d'argent surmonté d'une fleur-de-lis d'or[i.e. with the fleur-de-lis in chief]--DE REALS, Languedoc.

De gueules, à une forteresse d'or a trois tours du même, celle du milieu sommée d'une grue, tenant sa vigilance du même[i.e. the crane stands on the top of the central turret]--DE BOILEAU DE CASTELNAU, Languedoc.

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14th March 2025

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In what stance, or pose, is this lion?