Wren: the Wren and the Robin Redbreast have been assumed as devices chiefly on account of the name. See also arms of ALDRIDGE, under Hawthorn.
Argent, a chevron sable between three wrens close sable(other wise brown, and in another case back vert and breast gules)--WRENBURY.
Argent, on a chevron azure three wrens of the first, a chief gules charged with as many horse's heads erased purpure--WREN[the chief or, charged with as many heads erased brown--WRENNE, Harl. MS. 1404].
Argent, on a chevron between three wrens gules, as many mullets of the first--MANIGHAM.
Per pale argent and azure, a fesse nebuly counterchanged between three robin redbreasts proper--ROBYNS, Alderman of London.
Nebuly argent and azure, four birds(? robins) counterchanged--ROBYNS, co. Cornwall.
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